1 Hour Beginner Chess Lesson with TierZoo

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GothamChess gives a lesson on openings, middlegame strategy, and endgame conversion to @TierZoo.

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%1$ Comments752

    Welcome new chess fans! This is one of many beginner-friendly videos on my channel. Feel free to subscribe, I post 1-2 videos a day 🙂

    Tierzoo and gothemchess. The most ambitious crossover since the mcu

    Im just a begginer but u explained bad the "square rule", you dont need to be inside the square, if you r just touching it u also get in time

    When levy said close to half a million, that really hit me

    "Have you heard that before?" "Yeah" "exactly right." Idk why but this interaction made me cackle lol

    Your videos made me the best kid playing chess in my family

    Wonderful lesson! I'm fairly new to chess and just about 800 myself. I got into Levys videos a while ago and always liked the loud and entertaining style. But boy am I surprised he is a great teacher as well! Calm and motivating at the same time!

    6:15 why don't they just castle? Then they are defending that square and castling.. 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Levy thanks for being patient with us beginners. You don't sound irritated or condescending and you provide information in a concise way, while emphasizing that there is nuance to every concept! You are an awesome teacher!

    I think SaI is above BlurryFace, but both of them are overrated, especially Stressed Out

    the moment when he said "oh the rook" realising the combination wins the a8 rook I felt his enthusiasm. I got high off his high. I remeber feeling like that when solving easy tactics. To be fair I still feel like this, but now it's just part of the grind 🙂

    Me: "Let's see what's new on YouTube."
    Gotham/TierZoo Collab
    What a weirdly specific combination of my interests 😂

    "ive played a few rounds of the puzzle rush" and levy just tries to hold in his laughter XD I mean he's like a 2700, to him a couple rounds of puzzle rush is pitiful but he also understands that he's talking to an 800 elo player who doesnt dedicate his life to chess and chess social media

    Venya enjoyed your effort to entertain with hanging ornaments from the pine.

    He's pretty good at teaching chess, he could do that professionally.

    I think this is actually my favourite Video ive Seen from you

    h4? i see check mate
    check with knight at a4 king moves close defend with pawn he moves into dark square behind knight then use queen to mate?

    there was a repetishishon after Qe1 on 44,40 minute

    I just want to say I've watched several of your videos recently (YT algorithm ftw) and this video is what made me for sure subscribe. The way you are teaching is interesting and engaging to watch. I haven't even played chess for years, but I might start now. Thanks!

    at min 25 isnt q b7 just winning on the spot or am I overlooking somthing?

    this was a crossover i never knew existed dispite being subbed too both creators

    This was really interesting and the hour went by real quick

    22:38 I would have really liked to see the Knight take here, as that was basically the first one I saw and consider the best move.
    The knight in this position has no other purpose than guarding e4, which has now been taken, so I would take with it. Black knight still can't move and I am not unpining it.
    Should the king move to the side, it's ofc unpinned, but that's not that big of a problem as we are still defending c2. But putting the queen e4 gives black the opportunity to take c2, even tho it'd make little sense, but it might in a few moves in the future. Can't tell… I'm probably just between 800 and 1000 myself, so thinking in the future is a struggle 😀

    Perfect vid. I watched in double speed and now am confident to train against a computer easy mode, trying to test "check, capture, attack".

    I think in the middle when u asked if u take with a bishop or a rook u shouldn't have mentioned actual pieces. Both of them r standing in their starting positions so i would guess new players wouldnt really think of them (i dont play chess and i never did, i saw the bishop move to attack the knight and the queen, but i didnt think of the rook :<). + maybe that's why he didnt forget about the rook later

    If at 6:48 instead of bringing the knight to threaten queen, you move your queen to f3, isnt it really good?

    Tier actually means animal in German, fitting for his content

    Was nice to see a slower pace lesson, get to yell at my phone and guess the idea before the execution,

    There is a known study that makes a "tier list" of effectiveness on learning methods pertaining to interactive learning (games would also fall into that), and the second most effective method is to watch a teacher demonstrate a lesson to someone with visual, interactive material and have that person both interact with it and make questions, while the teacher also makes questions to the student, exploring possibilities. The only method more effective than that is to be the interacting student themselves.
    Thanks for the lesson, you're a good teacher. I'm a beginner-to-intermediate chess player and I learned a lot from this lesson. I'd love to see more videos like these (of any level)!

    I did not know one of my favorite YT channels collabed. This feels great!

    47:00 would rook to d1 be a good move since it’s defended by knight and still covers back rank

    34:30 Rook to d5 is more dangerous i think cuz same threats apply but if opponent takes with rook then a queen check and space is open for white rook to pin king for mate.
    Im new so if im wrong please explain and help!

    Thought I'd watch the first 10-15 minutes and watch the rest later. Just realized I'm already at 30 minutes. This is engaging!

    عبدالله الهاشمي Abdulla Alhashmi says:

    I think in 26:44 best move for white is to capture the pawn with his queen and if he get forked with black knight white moves his king and he is still threatening to capture black rook, but also threatening to fork the queen with his knight

    NO WAY! I predicted every single move! I have elo 400, that just makes it even more absurd, im either a genius or the luckiest person on earth!

    adverts every few minutes is annoying 😡🤬

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