1 Hour Beginner Chess Lesson with TierZoo

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GothamChess gives a lesson on openings, middlegame strategy, and endgame conversion to @TierZoo.

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%1$ Comments752

    Alright. So, I suck ass in many ways. I had a lil gander at this "chess" thing back in the days, but I went nowhere with it. Now, only maybe 3 days ago I picked it up "again" thanks to one of your videos. I've had a great run against AI with only E4 white openings, and real spicy gambits as black, as well as a solid fundamental theory of what I want to accomplish with my openings. I went from not knowing anything at all to being somewhat concise in finding ways to protect my pieces and to develop my pieces in devilish ways (when it's not a free development, of course). I'm no GM, but I'm consistently thinking 2 moves ahead. Of course I hang my queen at turn 4 sometimes, and of course I block my own pieces for no reason, but today I had my first REAL win, which means I managed to blunder less than my opponent (admittedly ranked 500) while being drunk as shit. It's thanks to studying fun openings and all that bullshit, yes, but it's mostly thanks to you!

    Also, if I've been rude or incorrect or a general failure as a human being in writing this, my defense is that I'm drunk as shit; and if you take, that defense will somewhat restrict what moves you could make (!)

    One thing I learned from low elo online chess is no matter how down on material you are, you can still win. The ceiling is maybe having a lone king, but if you got 1 pawn and your opponent has 9 queens you better not resign the game because there is still chance you win. I remember a game where I was like -14, so I was down I think a queen, a minor piece and 2 pawns and I still won that not by checkmate but by actually getting his hanging stuff and then winning endgame cause opponent got reckless. Anyway I hope things get better, I've been playing for maybe a week now, so the only way from here is up 😀

    I agree with Levy on bishop/knight trades. To me bishops are better pieces in the long run

    Who came up with the material ratings for pieces?

    What an awesome mentor, love this channel ,best value

    This actually opened my eyes to a lot. I had no idea what the openings were called, I just naturally go for a scotch pretty much every time. I’m getting so excited about chess recently, I might actually be good at something

    I just spanked your bot on the app so hard you had an irl nightmare of me.

    41:49 rook back to D1 wins black's queen, otherwise queen to D8 is mate and there's no way for them to defend that square.

    This has probably already been mentioned in the comments, but I'm a ~400 elo scrub so finding that move made me a lil proud not gonna lie.

    EDIT: nvm queen E3 check then back to E7. That's why I'm 400 lmao

    This example of the fried liver was new to me.
    Thanks Levy

    i havent played a single game of chess and im at his level wtf

    Congratulations, this lesson format is just so illuminating. Highlighting the various thought processes, Student and Tutor, related to each move, both White & Black. Magic.

    Just starting out by watching videos so at about the 30 minute mark, would it have been a good idea to move the queen back where the pawn was placed since it would still pin the knight and his knight could fork or check if neither of them moves or would that have been a really bad move?

    In Minute 26 why dont Play knight d5?

    I gotta say, tho I am a fan of both channels , this is really unexpected crossover lmao. Now it's TierZoo's turn to teach Levy about animals LOL

    I'm a total novice at chess. I'm curious for those of you who are actually good and study: Once you introduce all the theory and study does the game become less or more fun? To me, once you do that it essentially becomes an exercise in memory… Bobby Fischer has an interesting interview where he makes that precise critique.

    As a person who loves teir zoo vids and is also around elo800, I absolutely love this video! I feel like I'm learning a lot!

    I'm a beginner but could see the moves like the knight taking instead of the queen.

    this was useful. I also am probably a 1000 elo rating until it comes time to convert that position in which I'm playing like a 400 player

    It is insane how many things could have been different in this game but not only bad things, great things too !

    At 26:00, isn’t QxB7 a good move, because if NxC3, then you can move the king to D1, then if they take the rook you can fork the king and queen with NE4, and later take the rook on A8

    Pawn to D5 wasn’t the only defense. Queen to E7, if the knight or bishop takes the pawn the king moves to d8 and is safe from check or mate.

    I was thinking to slide my queen on d3 then move my knight on e4 forking the queen and the King
    (i'm a intermediate at 13)

    You are the chess teacher I have been looking for , glad to have found this

    Omg, I had never heard of the square… This will save me so much time!

    26:50 I never remember castling is a thing, I would have gone Knight to d5 to threaten the queen there.

    Started playing chess because of this video I made it to 500 in 2 weeks gotta learn openings an their counter now

    I’ve never Seen that king race box rule before

    At 34:36 I see Knight to D5. This makes them attack on the enemy's Queen, it's quite safe because if the opponent captures with a Pawn they give up the center square and your queen captures creating check and I believe the momentum from there will always cause the opponent to lose because after they move the king out of check your Rook can take their Queen. If they move the queen to block you still have a strong forward knight as well as a pinned Queen. I've never really gotten too far into chess but I wonder is this a really good move?

    I am skilled at seeing the best move for others. Me, not so much. Maybe I am a grandmaster on the opposite side of the board?

    Gotham, please tell me what do u say of a player who sometimes plays like 2kplus rated and sometime like below 800. I am that kind. What is that? I know all and at the same time I don't know a bit. It's been years I have been playing chess but never seem to improve. What's rong with me? Plz tell 😭

    how to stop losing to the same tactic over and over

    I really want to see more postings like this. If you created a subscription that did this once a week, I would gladly be a regular viewer. Again Levy, you nailed it!!!

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