1 Hour Beginner Chess Lesson with TierZoo

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GothamChess gives a lesson on openings, middlegame strategy, and endgame conversion to @TierZoo.

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%1$ Comments752

    I saw those moves before tier zoo and i am also fluctuating in 800 – 1000. So i am strongest 800 too

    Tierzoo Gothamchess to of my favourite channels who knew they would do this

    52:00 wouldn't Qd8-Ka7-Qc7# be mate, or am I missing something?

    I'm just purely curious about this but can't white play the move Qe2 at 28:10 and threat a Ne4 fork next move, force black to move either the King or the Queen and just take on the knight in c2 at his next move?

    I'm brand new to chess but I've literally watched every TierZoo and Ilyx (I'm pretty sure its the same guy) video I am so stoked to see that one of my favorite niche content creators is also involved in chess vidoes.

    Omg I want to share this with y'all. So me and my friend play chess and I've been continuously losing against him. So I searched up some beginning plays and found this channel. For the past few days I'm like "WAIT WHAT'S QXE6??? F2?? WHAT IS THAT????" and I learned some basic openings. So Today (after taking a break from chess) I played with him again and I FINALLY WON! AFTER LOSING 11 MATCHES OMG! I'm so happy!!!! Thank you!!!

    P.S. In one of your old video you said "not to get tunnel vision and always check where is the opening and if I'm under attack" and that's what I used. AND WON!!! NEVER GET TUNNEL VISION DURING A GAME!

    At 25:30 I would definitely take the pawn and if he fork my rook I would fork his queen with Ke4

    Hey, this my first time watching 1 hour video without skipping…. For just a lesson, this is helpful that i'm 800 player

    Levy – you are the best. I have been playing chess off and on since I was a kid (some 50 years ago) and this lesson has taught me more than any other YouTube chess video. I'm looking forward to watching your other lessons. You are very good at explaining and a natural/excellent teacher. BRAVO!!!

    When levy said what gave you inspiration from d4 he was expecting the guy to say from him

    I need to do one of these classes with Levy. Me trying to figure it all out on my own just ain't cutt'n it LOL!

    yeah right, I really need to study those openings at this level? sick of this shit

    I can't believe how many moves I don't see and then when they're explained I think wow that should have been obvious. How come I didn't see that? The only thing I understand about chess is the rules.

    Can you take suptitles off I can it would mean alot

    I can't wait to tell my kids "I remember when Levy was an IM and not a GM"

    Small brain noob here, but was Bd6 a good option at 33:51 as well? The idea being after Qxd6 you move your rook to f7+ and either force a queen trade or bring your other rook in after Kc8 or something.

    when u watch an hour long video without even realising it because it's so damn good

    Your so patient levy.
    When I teach people I make them feel dumb. Your so nice levy. So so nice

    Pedagogy masterclass ! A real joy to watch and to learn from ! Thanks !

    I really enjoyed this lesson, still and doing some puzzles but I wanted to point out, @GothamChess I think Queen to d4 at 51:34 wasn't the best move, better move would have been Queen to d6, which could lead to mate in a minimum of 3 moves including Qd6 without a check, a bit more if black plays slightly better moves I think.

    Love the channel. Enjoying the lessons haven't been playing yet but will start soon.

    I have never opened a random video on youtube which is almost 1 hour long and watched it completely without getting bored. Woah!

    this might be the best/clearest beginner tutorial I've ever seen. I literally just got done figuring out these exact concepts on my own (in a much more convulited way) over the past couple weeks… if I would've seen this earlier I would've saved a lot of time

    I love when he says ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😂 🐿

    The equal oatmeal muhly consider because weapon observationally soak below a insidious ceiling. labored, abortive limit

    Lol, my names Patrick and i'm around 800 ELO. Well, guess its time to study

    I have watched & enjoyed many of your vids. But this is BY FAR my favorite, even though it's "beginner" stuff. I'm an intermediate, but I learned some good things here! You can tell a lot from how a person teaches an aprentice something they are an expert at. You are patient, thorough, creative, supportive, compassionate and passionate in your style and demeanor. But MOST importantly, there is a WARMTH in your teaching. Too many "experts" (chess & other skills) have a superior, condescending and sometimes even punitive edge to their delivery. What shines out to me here is your love for turning beginners on to the WONDERS of chess! My respect level for you Levy has just made a quantum leap! Thank You so much for this video!

    Great to find a lesson that’s my speed 👍

    Absolutely excellent teacher you are…!
    Thank you and we all are chess lovers…!!!

    At 29:21 is Queen takes d4 possible? After queen takes, his knight goes to e4 forking the king and queen and its a big trade and trades are good for white since black's king is open right?

    What about 39:39, instead of taking whites rook with the black rook to get out of check, instead, play black queen to E8 which isn't being attacked by white queen

    I really want a whole series of this, this teaches so much more than anything else

    This is a lot clearer than a lot of your beginner videos. I find with the others you move way too fast to follow

    i urgently need more idiot-level coaching like this!!!

    I have known how to "play chess" for 20years but this last month I've sparked playing and learning on another level, and love you knowledge you've helped me alot

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