10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments585

    TY Anna. I notice …

    US Chess Federation, Rules of Chess 7th edition 2018
    12F. Calling check not mandatory.

    Announcing check is not required, and is rare in high-level tournaments. It is the responsibility of the opponent to

    notice the check, and a player who does not may suffer serious consequences. A player may announce check.

    FIDE Laws of Chess E.1.01 Doesn't mention announcing check or not, but does include…
    12.6 It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever. This includes

    unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw or the introduction of a source of

    noise into the playing area.

    And a fascinating historical note. William Lewis (the first Grandmaster says Wikipedia), Laws of the Game, 1835
    << No 18. When a player attacks his adversary's king, he must give notice of it by saying "check;" if he neglects to say "check," his adversary is not obliged to either move his king or interpose a piece, &c. , he may move any piece without attending to the check. >> Perhaps this explains some of the tradition in England to say check.

    Thanks. Is a fist bump ok?
    No expression after a bad blunder is difficult.

    And also NO SMOKING. It is banned from all tournaments since maybe 1996 or 1997.

    If you don't say check and if your opponent doesn't notice then makes a move, would that count as an illegal move?

    You CAN use mirrored sun glasses like KORCHNOI!!

    I malfunction before the tournament starts!! ))

    It's really good to see someone teaching good sportsmanship.
    You rock Anna. 💯

    But it's till legal to say ''olsen' when having one card left?

    Chess "etiquette" is a very important part of tournament play…and playing the game in general!

    In my time as an arbiter, I've seen new tournament players struggle with a few things. Here are some of the most common issues, and some tips for those that need them:

    1. When offering a draw, the correct way to do it is to say "I offer a draw", or just say "draw" WHILE making your move, then press the clock. DO NOT offer your opponent a draw on their turn, it is distracting and is bad manners. DO NOT say "draw" and immediately offer a handshake. Your opponent is allowed to think about the draw. Which is why you offer the draw as you make your move, and allow them to think about it on their time.

    2. You can NOT take back an offer of a draw. Once you offer a draw, that offer stands until your opponent declines the offer. A draw offer can be declined verbally (but quietly) by saying something like "no thank you". But most of the time, a draw will be declined by your opponent making a move on the board. They do NOT need to verbally decline the offer.

    3. Once a draw has been declined, it can NOT be accepted from that point on unless another draw offer is made. This has been known to cause a few arguments in tournaments. Therefore, the best thing to do, no matter if your opponent or yourself offers the draw, is to mark the draw offer on your scoresheet. You do this by writing "(=)" next to the current move number on the scoresheet. This allows the arbiters to see that a draw offer was made on that move if there is a dispute.

    4. When resigning a game, DO NOT tip/knock your king over. Simply stop the clock by pressing the button in the middle, offer a handshake to your opponent, say a quick "well done" and reset the pieces. Tipping the king over makes you look like an amateur, and can be distracting to players around you if knocking the piece over makes some noise.

    5. To add onto number 4, accidently knocking over your king DOES NOT mean you resign. Same goes for your opponent. You are also not forced to move that piece, if you knocked it over while reaching for a different piece. The touch move rule only applies to deliberately touching a piece.

    6. You are allowed to touch a piece to centre it on the square by saying quietly, but clearly to your opponent "I adjust" or "Ja'doube". You MUST do this on your time and NOT on your opponent's turn. Otherwise it could be considered distracting behaviour.

    7. If you knock other pieces over while making a move, you MUST put them back onto their proper squares BEFORE pressing your clock. Pressing the clock without picking the pieces back up, is considered an illegal move.

    8. NEVER accuse your opponent of cheating to their face. If you suspect your opponent is up to no good, make your move, press the clock and go have a quiet word with the arbiter. The arbiter will keep an eye on your opponent for you, and deal with any issues that may be occurring. The arbiter is your best friend. Always go directly to the arbiter if you have any problems. Never confront your opponent yourself.

    9. When promoting a pawn, you MUST replace the pawn with a piece. If the piece you want is not available, you MUST get up and ask the arbiter for one WHILE your clock is running. Placing a pawn on the back rank, not replacing it with a piece, and pressing your clock is an illegal move. This applies even if you say the name of the piece you're promoting to. The arbiter will then penalize you, and replace the pawn with a Queen. Even if you don't want to promote to a Queen.

    10. An upside down Rook is still a Rook. It is NOT treated as a Queen. Placing a Rook on the board upside down and moving it like a Queen is an illegal move. (The one exception I know of is USCF rated tournaments do allow upside down Rooks to be treated as a Queen, but that may have changed now. As most tournaments, even domestic tournaments, use the FIDE rules of chess, It is always better to be safe than sorry.)

    11. When promoting a pawn, you must use the same hand to complete all of the move. This includes putting the piece on the board that you've promoted to. So if you move the pawn with the right hand, you must then place the promoted piece on the board with the right hand, then press your clock with your right hand.

    12. You MUST use the same hand to capture your opponent's piece and move your piece. It is an illegal move to take your opponent's piece with your left hand, then move your piece with the right hand.

    13. When castling, you MUST only use one hand. To castle with two hands is an illegal move.

    14. When castling, you MUST move your King first, then move your Rook. Castling is a King move. If you touch the Rook first, you will have to move the Rook and will NOT be allowed to castle.

    15. You MUST make your move on the board, THEN write the move down. To write the move first, then make the move is considered as taking notes, and therefore cheating.

    16. You can NOT write anything on your scoresheet besides the notation of the game. This includes annotations such as "??" or "!!". Neither can you write down your calculations. Again, this is considered to be taking notes, and therefore cheating.

    If anyone has any other questions or concerns, I'll be happy to answer them .

    Thank you so much, this will help me alot in my upcoming competition

    Thanks, Anna! "Don't say check" was a surprise to me. Doing my first tournament now, so thanks for that!

    The bad smell seems socially acceptable for Indians.

    my mom was the top female tournament director for years in the USA. She'd love you young ladies playing at such a high level.

    first step, get q minimum rating (are there any 500 and below chess opens?)

    Good beginner video, thank you Anna. I would want to separate „rules“ from „etiquette“ as violating the rules will result in a penalty and may cost you the game

    It really helps if you have the rating to be in the tournament 😅

    Anna, you should have mentioned that when Castling you should always touch the King first.

    I really enjoyed this. Polite and professional behavior is important in all human endeavors. You explained this beautifully. It makes me think that they should hold chess tournaments in the chamber at the United States Congress. Imagine expecting polite behavior in the halls of congress! Could be a revolutionary idea!!

    1. I hate shaking hands with strangers.
    2. I can get up and walk around any time I want, this has always been allowed and it seems to me that this is a new “progressive” kind of rules.
    3. I don't care if my opponent likes my smell, appearance, mannerisms or anything else. He came here to fight, so let him fight and not whine.
    4. I smoke and drink coffee, sometimes cognac, during the game and this is not negotiable.

    So, it seems that such tournaments are not for me.

    Rule #11 don't be a stickler for etiquette. Let yourself become irritated at your opponent's lack of manners and it's like being a piece down.

    My father the CFO said, never make decisions about money when you're in a good mood and never make decisions about people when you're in a bad mood. Perhaps research has shown that chess players who try to stay in a happy state of mind take more unnecessary risks, but you are also less likely to be negatively influenced by an opponent who is practicing gamesmanship.

    On draws, the higher rated opponent should offer the draw! What rubbish!!!! You play as equals. Cramling then says "everyone thinks this way so you should…" Oh right, so we're all sheep are we? Rest of points are valid.

    So, in an illegal move as in your example of long castling but you move the King 3 squares instead of two. When that's taken back do you still have to move the King [as you touched it first] as your [legal] move?

    I've always known about moving the piece you touch, but how is it enforced/what happens if you can't move it? Suppose you touch a rook which is still on its original square and it's blocked in?

    What happens if you accidentally touch a piece that is impossible to move. Would that count as an illegal move?

    Oh it’s supposed to be a handshake? I just thought that you both put your hands in the center and did whatever you felt like.

    I’ve been doing it for years.

    Also the smelling bad thing is on purpose since you’re not allowed to trash talk. It’s a good idea to eat like sardines and onions and drink beer before a tournament if you’re going that route to distract your opponent without actually talking.

    A deep exhale can lead to a blunder for your opponent 🙃

    I didn't see a rule in this list against showing my cleavage as a secret advantage against male (or some female) opponents, so I guess that's cool??? LOL

    Your cute. Can I play u in chess. Teach me more.

    Point number 99.. do not shoot your opponent with a 9mm when you lose coz its going to make u look a little violent

    "BODYWASHES!" Anna said that so energetically, I am pretty sure she is referring again to the "Don't smell bad" rule.

    So if you want to win. Follow the rules. Don't shower. Eat loudly at the board. Offer draw vs better players and in losing positions. Check rules for exploits.

    Thank you this is so helpful🙏🏻 I thought we had to say check too xD

    Hi Anna, stupid question time. What happens if they don't see being in check and make a move anyway? Instant loss? Disqualified? Should you say something then or is it too bad sucker?

    I know not to say 'check'. But what about announcing mate? I always say 'Mate, mate.' as I make the move. Or if I know them I say 'Mate, matey.'

    Great video. I have a question about writing the moves down. How do you do this when you're low on the clock? Do you just scribble the moves frantically??

    Bra I spend 1h time in one game with my friend and is a draw

    I have a question please.. after the game ends, are we supposed to rearrange the pieces on the board?

    i have a competition against different schools thanks alot

    What does skin care have to do with chess?

    the illegal move part really touched me cause one time when i was playing in the world school team championship i made an illegal move by moving the light square bishop to a dark square but my opponent didnt notice it and the game continues for about 5 moves then i noticed, i called the arbiters because i didnt remember making the move, i felt pretty bad as the game had to end in a draw. Actually i felt quite foolish and embarrased lyk the worst illegal move in history

    Why you seems too happy in the video? Be natural I hate fakes… sorry.

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