100% Accuracy. 4 Brilliant Moves.

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%1$ Comments564

    there's a youtuber called VoltzChess, can you teach him how to pass 1600 elo

    levy never fails to post chess content

    I found the bishop sacrifice in 1 minute

    Perfect. Meh. But perfect AND entertaining!? Wow.

    66 seconds, 4 brilliant moves, check his ass.

    levy never fails to clickbait his audience

    Levy was 100% accuracy with his analogies this video.

    Super brilliant game with amazing prep. I wonder what kramnik would say to this?

    Its a nice game, but the interesting part was the build-up Levy did there, presenting Theodorou' play as totally unbelievable, yet giving us all the hints that it was all 100% engine's prep..

    It started when Levy mentioned that the first 2 brilliancies white played, were actually Theory that was played before, and concluded when he showed us that Theodorou didn't think at all during that game, regardless of the complexity of the positions and the accuracy that they required (and that he delivered 100%).
    That's like shouting that it was all engine-prep without actually saying it..

    This is what Bobby Fischer warned about. Man beats a guy rated over 100 points above him at the GM level because he memorized a computer line. There was nothing Radjabov could’ve done unless he also had the same line memorized, which he obviously didn’t.

    20:35, dont forget about the time the enemy uses that he can use to think too

    all of this in 2 minutes now way. he definitely cheated that game.

    Kramnik after seeing this:
    "someone beat a 2750 gm under 2 mins
    with a 100% accuracy sus sus sus"

    Absolutely loved it Levi. So much more to learn from this type of content

    was this just all prep? Even so, its beautiful

    Dog bless chess. Not even making a joke here. 🙂

    love that "Bishop takes h6" with silencer
    will try to make it meme

    Don't show this game to kramnik or else another shitstorm will burst out that old man's *

    I play the Petrov quite a bit.. This was brutal, lol.

    This was a phenomenal game, I wonder what kramnik has to say about it 😂

    Radjabov could’ve let it play to mate just to be sporting.

    these are just my bullet games
    just game review
    is confused between cyan and red

    Yea that start is how usually my games are.

    Mate in 66seconds, coming to theaters near you. What a dominant display by the Greek there.

    I was impressed, and then I was jaw dropped. 66 seconds, entirely prep?

    People complaining about prep won't understand how true genius arises in a wild game that goes off the rails. Prepping for one line makes you slightly better at everything else; it contributes to your overall skill; especially the more you understand the mechanics of the line.

    Vladimir Kramnik: This man must be cheating 📝📑

    Radjabov before the game: He has the white pieces but I am top 5. How bad can it be?

    Now he will be accused of cheating and start a drama T_T

    66 seconds 100 percent accuracy at the gm level is ridiculous

    Dude had the whole game memorized… And Radjabov fell right into the trap

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