100% Accuracy. 4 Brilliant Moves.

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%1$ Comments564

    Wow, great game! Feels like Teimour basically walked into whatever traps Nikolas had prepped before the game.

    One thing makes me wonder, how bad would be move Ng5 at 7:00? While maybe not as game-ending as Qc5, it looks like the best way for black to get out of that would be trading queen and bishop for white's bishop, knight and a rook and black king is still in the middle of nowhere.

    4 brilliant moves in 1 minute. I am sure some people might find that… interesting 🤪

    He just memorised stockfish moves he prepared

    To all the guy in the comment section, who call this game interesting, while mentioning Kramnik: Theodorou used Stockfish. Not during the game, but before. This is not forbidden. He just had to remember his prep…

    Props to Theodorou for memorizing stockfish lines!

    100 percent? Kramnik will surely say CHEAT.

    TOTALLY Awesome !! Game of the year !

    He was like "I remember this game"🗿🤌

    Earned my like and respect. Thank you for publishing such an instructive and entertaining content that doesn’t contain click bait. ❤️Levy.

    100% accuracy? According to my real mathematician statisticians, that's completely impossible. You can't ever know your prep well enough to know every line your opponent could make. My very real mathematicians say that the odds are less than 1 in a million. That's very interesting, let's ask Mr. Kramnik. 😂

    A video without Magnus feels weird suddenly

    Don't let Kramnik see this game, or it'll be "interesting," too!

    100% acc with 4 !! Only for 66 sec ? We need to tag Kramnik

    I was looking at the time the whole time. Greek bro won a blitz game in classical chess & made it to Levy's channel.

    Okay so Radjabov didn't play against theodorou, he played against stockfish… I don't want to be this person to talk his permofance down but this is exactly what i sometimes dislike about chess. The better chess player should win a match and just playing moves that you memorized from stockfish is not making you the better chess player… It's an amazing performance but it's not theodorou's performance. I'm only using theodorou as an example for the modern chess era where you win by engine prep and not by yourself which i find kinda sad

    Producing 4 Brilliance!! moves using only 66 seconds chess time.

    INTERESTING. as Kramnik would say.

    What a superb opening!! What a superb game!! I am glad you did a video on this one Levy!!

    The voice of this guy sends me to sleep. Someone tell me when he's back in the US

    So I’ve learned that one has to play 1. e4 in order to achieve a perfect game. Thanks for telling us, Goffam 👍

    but its all just prep/ opening trap???

    As kramnik used to say:it is interesting!

    A tad close to the mic lol otherwise great video man

    I respect the simplicity of the title and thumbnail, it speaks for itself!

    2 great games from 2 very good greek players recently

    I think the game is amazing but to be clear this is called preparation and his opponent walked directly into it. Hikaru usually mentions in his games he wants to get his opponents out of their "preparation" and make them think themselves, otherwise he will be playing stockfish which happened this game.

    Hey Levy, I'm curious. Sometimes you'll say that low depth stockfish doesn't understand something. Is the lowest depth stockfish bad enough for a human to beat, or will it still kick GM ass?

    Be careful saying he only spent 1 minute 6 seconds. Kramnik might make a vlog post about this game now

    Literally, no clickbait, when I opened this video, it was already showing liked.


    Gotham : what does white want
    Me an intellectual : he wants to win

    I swear to god I found it. To unpin the king and activate various threats + attack the horse. So proud of myself

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