100% Accuracy. 4 Brilliant Moves.

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%1$ Comments564

    Rajabov walked into amazing prep from his opponent. No way Theodorou could sacrifice all that material in a minute if he didn't know the line and the variation exactly.

    Levy: does poll to know wich title to put
    also Levy: puts them both

    Even though the lines aren't exactly the same, this feels distinctly like traxler counter attack. You also sack the bishop on f2/f7 respectively. After which, white/black's queenside are almost always useless on their starting square

    Я удивлен как много дурачков наивных в комментариях.. Insane game!!! Absolutly brilliant play!!! Хеллоу друзья, это линия движка, которую он тупо запомнил и исполнил на практике, это не его игра , а игра движка. Без раздумий делал такие прекрасные ходы, да?.

    The craziest part of this game is the time use

    Don't get me wrong, but why don't people accuse him of cheating? Hans Nieman gets accused for a good early game, hikaru for beating a bunch of 200 lower rated randoms on the internet. Why not someone who spends 66 seconds on a 100% accuracy game.

    Not saying he cheated, but people are just weird

    The perfection from White makes black look like a 500 elo

    In b4 Kramnik makes Theodoru his new target for status updates.

    Games like this remind me why I love chess. I may not be very good, but the knowledge that someone can play so perfectly makes up for it

    imagine if this was a blitz game against hikaru

    Seems like the Greek GM was studying stockfish lines

    vlad would found this game interesting

    This is a Van Der Loo tier constructed game played out in an actual chess tournament. Its incredible. Great job to Nikolas!

    Ok but isn't this just a whole game of prep? Still a really cool game to analyze but it's just stockfish playing


    This feels like a stafford gambit for GM

    That was incredible, GothamChess has become my favorite channel and I don't care. Thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm, and for explaining this dark wizardry to us people who barely know how the horsies move

    Levy roasting hundreds of years of pirate traditions is very disrespectful 😤

    Are theses guys gonna be accused of cheating now?

    This is both sad and amazing. You're a super GM, but you walk into someone's preparation and you die if you dont play with 100% accuracy.

    Sometimes I think you would make a very good Joker performance in a Batman movie. (It's the laugh) 😊

    Πάμε ρε Νικόλα! Γερά με πυγμή! 💪🏻

    the final position is a position i would expect from two 300 rated players lol

    Waiting for Kramnik to weigh in before I form an opinion.

    Another argument for why Fischer Random 960 is better than classical and should replace classical as the most important event. This was basically Stockfish vs Radjabov, not Theodorou

    So, how long before Kramnik comes in guns blazing claiming that this game had statistically "interesting" movves and should be checked up more closely? 😀

    Why didn't you mention that in the game that beat you he became a GM?

    Dude destroyed him. And it was all mental, he was thinking on his opponent's time. Incredible game

    Levy never fails to fail in getting gm title

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