100% Accuracy. 4 Brilliant Moves.

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%1$ Comments564

    20:23 Very interesting (which I recently learned means CHEATER) 🤣

    Two things I learned from this video:
    1. Pirates are inefficient
    2. Juggling sticks that are on fire will burn your house down

    Man straight up memorised all of Stockfish's lines

    I swear nikolas was cheating and im not even kramnikin around

    That was so one sided it felt like he refuted his oponents opening…

    I also had game with 100% accuracy

    is it just me or does levy talk like the joker

    Monte what??? Levy definitely has a way with words…

    When Kramnik sees this all hell will break loose.

    This the kind of game Kramnik thinks is “interesting” lol. What a game by Theo

    Hey Levy, I'm only 600-700 blitz and played 99.4 accuracy last night! It helps that my opponent blundered a queen-king pin on move 7 and shortly resigned. 😊

    This would be a brutal Guess the ELO game. 🤣

    6:06 I know it's not but this game is giving me Traxler vibes

    66 seconds to win at 100% accuracy, it's interesting 🤔🧐 😅😅

    Levy when are you getting the WGM title?

    This is the greatest chess performance I've ever heard about… Dude was playing blitz in a classical game and didn't make a single mistake and completely dominated a very strong player. HOLY SHIT.

    How the heck can someone play that in 66 seconds??

    After seeing videos like this I try play brilliant games too but ended up losing ten games in a row

    This game felt like a reverse Traxler. Wild!

    This is insane, how can you be up 10 points of material in a grandmaster game but still get checkmated?

    Props to Theodorou for playing such an amazing game!!
    From a fellow Greek Cypriot🇨🇾🇬🇷

    Kasparov: Nxh6+, I didn't calculate this move I knew it should win
    Theodorou: Bxf7+, I didn't calculate this move I knew it should win

    At this point, if levy posts a video with the title "I am a human." I ain't gonna believe him.

    The thing is that Theodorou just menorised about 10-15 moves meaning that he barely played for himself

    Is there something with me or Levi just changed the title and the thumbnail

    I’m lost and confused and the comments failed to help. Was this clickbait or not? Who’s holding him hostage? Is he holding himself hostage? Is he failing at holding himself hostage?

    Levy never fails to change the title because the word clickbait in the title lowered his views

    1:21 Levy delusions of grandeur …. "on my journey to becoming a Grandmaster…" 🙂

    I know it won't change anything, but here's a comment for the algorithm!

    Levy never failed to clickbait us😅😅

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