100 Elo?

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%1$ Comments555

    Blunder into a king walk? No. Premoved a mating net with the king.

    80 years old, i dont know why u wathing but i would not swear! King

    I am so glad I watched this game. What the fuck.

    I love how the title was changed several times

    I love the change of tone from 14:00 on, it makes everything more dramatic 😃

    In warfare there are two different concepts: 'leading from the back' of your troops like the old royal officers with their lineinfantry and 'leading from the front'.
    I guess this king had put on his braverypants and single-handedly enabled his queen for a medal of honor worth attack.

    "Mates in One, Mates in Two, Mates in Three and Four and Five.
    Yet somehow my dear friends the black king is still alive"
    – Soundtrack for this game

    Bro remembered YouTube stricts demonization rules and changed the title lmfao

    Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?

    "If the King doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

    This is drunk Mittens versus drunk StarPlumber 😂

    Umm… I think this was my game 2 days ago 876 and 874 rating😬 I hav the whole game but it seems your looking at it

    My liege run away from the castle. I will find you. – The Queen maybe.

    this gotta be the Lelouch gambit, cous aint no way

    Why i can't get these guys , i really want to win at least to a guy like this stupid brain but can't, all games i play is vs GM's

    did you change the titel of the video

    Levy you can stop changing the title now.

    “Slightly different”
    Yeah 9999 is slightly different from 1.

    Plot twist: the 1 elo is mittens in disguise

    For those who came after the title changed, it was called "69 King Moves"

    Is it better to play aggressive or defensive in chess?

    I was here when this video was named "69 king moves"🌚

    How are you gonna change the title like 3 times in the first 2 minutes

    only real ones know that this video was named "69 king moves"

    7:58 ah yes, force mate in 15 moves, very easy to see at 100 elo

    nothing will ever give me more dopamine than levy losing his mind

    The title of the video was changed from 69 king moves to this

    Levy during Youtube videos: Softy speaking and explaining the position and why a move is good and bad. "You can get to 1000 if this guy can". "Thank you. Now get outta here 🙂 "
    Levy streaming: "Wow thanks for calling me Levi you donkey." "Explain why that's a bad move? You see it's a bad move because…" (moves on) "Oh ** you, you absolute ** ****" continues cursing in various accents.
    Never change Levy. You've mastered aggression and kindness.

    The king is trying to get thicker stop bullying him levy.

    You say the game you’re about the show is always the best ga e we’re ever gonna see

    all of this… because that king didn't want to sacrifice his rook for his safety


    I like how Levi changes his titles quite often nowadays

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