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%1$ Comments555

    The Black King was looking for a peace treaty 💀

    How tf this game is better than all of my games combined 💀

    Thankyou once again Sir Levy, for featuring my immortal game😅😢😮… thats the true definition of never give up in life, pray and expect a heavens miracle😊… chess is life!!!

    "The evaluation looks like a BMW model" – Levy

    Several points there had the king in positions I feel I usually only see in puzzles where they don't care about the board current state's plausibility.

    Gotham can you teach me chess i always loose to 200 elo and below players

    I might actually be black in this game cuz I remember playing this game

    He sounded like he reads a dr.sos book at the end ngl lol

    14:10 I think there’s been some confusion here
    I’m not the one in danger

    Bro violated the people over 90 and 4 years olds 💀☠️

    This is why "How to lose at chess" is my favourite format on this channel 😀 🔥

    Hey levy, I've played my best game ever played. I'm sure you'd be proud of me. I've got TWO BRILLIANT MOVES IN A ROW. I'm also sure you'd make good content out of it. I just don't know how to show you the game. Please help.

    If John Wick franchise was a chess game, this would be it

    I'm sure I had a similar game. My guy walked his king through my checks to my king and delivered the kiss of death by his queen. I almost gasped thinking this was my game.

    That combination of expressions and emotions makes this video so much more engaging

    Levy in Every video outro : Now get out of here

    Bro is really saying the checkmate story in a voice that would be used in funerals
    This has me hysterical in tears and laughter

    the thumbnails keep getting better and better

    Levy please make video on Einstein chess played chess game

    You lied when you said you haven't seen a king on c2 cuz there was a game where the king scored 17 points worth of material and you covered that yourself.

    This is the exact moment the black King became chessinberg absolute masterpiece by vince Gilligan

    Pov best chess game:Super Mario 9999 elo V Mittens 1 elo.
    Perfect chess is always a draw:)

    You’ll never know how this comment got so many likes

    These videos would be much less confusing if Gotham stopped making hypothetical moves with the real pieces.

    At the end, who else heard

    I think theres been some confusion, what theres only 4 of you. Youre going to need more than that

    This is the late-sleeping king half-dressed on an abruptly woken and panicking horse, one foot trapped in its malfunctioning stirrup and the other flailing wildly in the air in an attempt to maintain balance, one hand holding his crown against his head and the other clinging desperately to the saddle, bolting uncontrollably into enemy territory while shrieking for a knight or a bishop or someone to do something , stunning the enemy into a baffled hesitation which allows the queen, sighing deeply, to rescue her husband from this most-recent self-made disaster.

    Perhaps the most memorable game Levi has ever analyzed.

    Black was destined to win his balls of steel and chadness intimidated the white king.

    You could make a whole movie about this game 😂😂😂😂

    Wish we get to see an immortal king walk in a world championship match! It will only take an infinity ELO rating to get the job done.

    Nice to see early game king meta demonstrated by GM GigaChad McNoobovich

    11:08 definitely looks like a position you'd find only playing against chatgpt

    That is the most awesome way to win a game. Hikaru should do a speedrun mating with queen and king.

    That black king was indiana jones in one of his movies 😯

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