100 Elo?

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%1$ Comments555

    this was an assassination, the white queen was in on it, king and queen went to deliver the blow themselves

    I think that's three times the title changed this time. You good levy? 😜

    I love how we get to see the best chess games ever and they get better every single time.

    McNoobovich is a double patryonymic which I love

    From "100 King Moves!" to "69 King Moves!" to "100 Elo?" A wild ride 😂

    It's so depressing how good I am at seeing checkmates for my level but I can't even see simple blunders 🙃

    Please do more of the chess boxing matches. Especially the high elo one please

    The video title isn't at all fitting for what this game offers

    Levy's tone past 14:00 makes it clear how much this game absolutely disappointed and hurt him to the core.

    bro changed the thumbnail 3 times since the video came out😂

    Can we take 2 seconds to appreciate Levy and his knowledge of chess, to be able to churn out a video a day, at this level of quality with the excitement of a game 7 championship match



    Like, homie is a legend. Chess owes it's BRAND NEW "cool" status to Levs, hands down

    The king is so strong yet so weak

    -wise men

    Bro thinks we won't notice that he changed the title 3 times in 6 hours

    Legends know he changed the title three times

    i remember when the title said “69 KING MOVES!” im not kidding

    And that’s why Leon Edwards has the most aesthetic physique in the world

    its probly not but these almost looks like a game that i played

    It’s both the worst and best game of chest ever played in history

    Every queen needs her king, he’s not useless after all

    White side was controlled by the sort of guy who wanted his friend to win after he had beaten him many times in the past. It was a freebie he left for him. This level of friendship will never be forgotten and will be remembered for the ages and be written in the golden books 😭😭

    Don't forget Levy Rozman said that the Boston Celtics were done some videos ago 😛

    "I didn't know you could turn on an electronic" 💀

    Me who watched this video two times because of the differenet titles : ….

    4:50 the computer don't hate it but computer is a piece or trash😂😂

    This looks like an April fools type game between two grandmasters 😂

    It was so funny how at the end Levi was desperate and he look like giving up on life😀.

    Finally, a King who is training for a marathon.

    Almost Tom Waits voice at the end! This game is unreal 😮

    GM Unfortunate Opponent is 3525 ELO 🐱 and GM GigaChad McNoobovich is 3860 ELO.

    I am 90 Gotham, what advice can xou give me as 690 elo? 🙂

    White's opening looks a lot like an opening I would play

    Can you stop fucking milking beginner content. Just fucking stop. You used make good videos now you just care about the views

    why dont we see this in world championships? its really too bad. very exciting. people love an underdog like the king remembering how to take the field

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