1,000,000 ELO MARTIN CHESS BOT!!!!!
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Martin is really weird, just making people sick 🧐😅
13:36 why didn’t you go Qh4 am I missing something?
That last minute reaction 😂😂😂
How well did I do against this bot? https://youtu.be/4JVNz9YZ8vo?si=HtpcteIxds-ZMQUZ
Levy getting mad at literal bots made me smile
Troy is Bässe on the everage 600ths who go to the gym and finish they day with super high power energy with 99% coffein
What is Rizz tho?🤣🤣🤣
13:34 levy missed h4
63 year old faithful Gotham viewer!
that troy bot though…
Day 3 of asking Levy for pin of the fan
martin emigrated in USA
apparantly reversed trash talk works better than actual trash talk. Imagine playing a player that kept saying I love you and such IRL.
Only legends remember that one Duolingo bot that had 200 elo (less than Martin 🤯)
Levy shares some personal wisdom and experience.🤣🤣
its a pity pls again
Please make more videos about Paul Morphy, Levy.
Y'all say his name like you know him personally. You all repeat the same comments every video for the last 3 years. Let me guess
Click bait
Levy or Gotham never Fails 600 times a video
The stare.
Y'all so lame
Time to think of something original instead of seeing which comments got the most likes so you steal someone else's comments in hopes to get those same likes. 8======D
voice lines compliments of application developers!!!!!
i won against it
had to use few takebacks tho
we gotta see mittens vs martin
Did the calculation, if Martin beat 120 presidents from the year 2024 and each president takes their term (def didn't use chat gpt) the year would be 2504. Martin is from 2504., but then he said he saw kingdoms and countries crumble for 1000 years, that would mean the the US collapsed in between 2024-2504.
About society being doomed, yeah, unless big changes come along we might be. But if we're lucky, we could last for quite some time.
well future people the thumbnail just got changed
25:10 If this is a reference to Baby Shark then I’m both an extreme genius and extremely embarrassed for knowing it.
If you convert "uh oh" to a number using ASCII and multiply them, then his rating would be 1.271.760.076💀 (not considering the blank space)
Did the kid-bot just say "Mom I'm being cyberbullied"🤣
ezra's doing baby shark song xD
I love 39 year old Gotham.
This bot bear me 10 times In a row I'm only rank 400 the I suck😢
Levy keeps on verbally abusing the poor gen z streamer girl and then is all surprised to find out he is not on her list of favorite streamers. I WONDER WHY
What's this crap? Cover Hans and Magnus winning Grenke!!!!
1995? We're millenials Gotham 😅
Isla bot, literally asked "how many subscribers do you have" and i'm just imagining how wild would be his answer
Dude beat me even with hints😂
What happened to the state rating comments
28:45 missed an opportunity here if you know what I mean
now you can do Martin vs stockfish XD
I was waiting for this video 😂
We need him verse mittens and stockfish!!!!!
Martin watched Gotham chess and increased its elo from 200 to 100000.
25:10 thats baby shark im pretty sure lol
when levy heard gen A say bringing out you bishop for the rizzler you can just tell his face was just pure joy
This has been the funniest, wierdest and cringiest video I have seen in a while. Good job Levy.
32:14 any reason why Rxc6 doesn't work? If Martin captures with the pawn, Bxc6 forks with check, winning the rook. Up a knight and a pawn.
18:20 someone on twitch is named xx_m3m3_m4chine_420_69_xx MemeLord18 is nothing.
im not sure but i think you missed mate in two 26:19 when you played rook f8 instead of Qxh2+ Kf1 Qh1# but im not sure
Nah I don’t think so I stalemated him