1000000000000000000000000 ELO CHESS!!!!
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20:45 after pawn promotion, white can block blacks queen with their own. the game could continue, isn’t it?
AND He SACrFiCEd!!! Milking Magnus!
This game is f@#king intense 😮
My lil brother sucks so bad at chess I did a 6 rook ladder mate against him 😂
These comments are braindead. This game is fuckin nuts. Thanks Gotham
Not even magnus carlsen is that high in points. But he will be when he's like 70 years old tho, lol.
Salem saw all of that? That is just incredible – baffling
8:19 Levy quickly checking to see if a Gm is standing behind him
16:42 THE ROOOOOOK!!!!
15:51 "I oil up the black king"
Holy $h!t, what calculating…
I just started the vid plz don't be a clickbait
Game of the year! Maybe of the 21st century, thus far. This is beyond Stockfish.
Fantastic game 🎉
يا عرب عطونا لايك الى افضل لاعب عربي في الشطرنج
I didn't realize I wasn't subbed, at this point I'll wait to be number 5m
can you try some other games except chess
16:42 Gets me everytime😂
This one is clearly an Immortal game in the 21th century worth noting..
Boxing analogies soo class
I feel like Gotham has stumbled on that very asmr chess shorts maker too… He seems to be embracing a little extra calm in this video. Even cut his rook sacrifice celebration down.
15:50 what on earth do you mean by "completely oil up the black king"?
bro at 20:50 why do we need to trade knight at f6 cant we just simply move the king to avoid the trade in order to still stay in advantage????
Loved when you hide the bar on the left it made the game more interesting + a tip : put salem picture in the thumbnail it will attract the arabs
Thats impressive 🔥
Someone tell kramnik there's another cheater
Well, now, this was indeed an impressive game!! Shout out to Tal #LevyNeverFails
I wonder what Hikaru and Carlson had to say.
Brilliant game!
Brilliant commentary!
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1 yotta of elo
1 Quadrillion elo is indeed a lot
insane game, he's called the arabic falcon for a reason
insane game, he's called the arabic falcon for a reason
Game of the year
Game of the year
if this were blitz or rabid maybe i could have understand it but the fact this game were classical there is just no word to describe it
if this were blitz or rabid maybe i could have understand it but the fact this game were classical there is just no word to describe it
fell off fr
fell off fr
FIDE PLEASE BAN LEVY, he click baited me again
Tal's legacy….
Levy said in a different video I just watched that drilling mates in 1, then 2, and keep moving up is good. Where can one do that?
1 septillion whole briliants.
Hey levy, as a fellow arab, it hurts to hear u calling Salem in a feminine name "Salam"the E in salem is pronounced as in Egg💕 all respect and i love your content
U dont have to apologise for the tilte
This is insane, liked it
10^24 elo
People listening to your vids in the background is kinda a complement. They don’t mind not seeing the game, they just wanna hear you speak
Dat's crazy