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Mikhail Tal vs Alexander Koblents
Riga (1961), Riga LAT
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation. Main Line (B99)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Be7 8. Qf3 Qc7 9. O-O-O Nbd7 10. Be2 h6 11. Bh4 b5 12. e5 Bb7 13. ef6 Bf3 14. Bf3 d5 15. Ne6 fe6 16. Bh5 g6 17. Bg6 Kf8 18. fe7 Kg7 19. Bg3 Nf6 20. Rhe1 b4 21. Re6 bc3 22. f5 Qb7 23. b3 Qd7 24. Be5 Qe6 25. fe6 Kg6 26. Rf1 Nh7 27. Bh8 Rh8 28. Rf8 Rf8 29. ef8Q Nf8 30. e7 Kf7 31. ef8Q Kf8 32. Kd1


0:00 Hello Everyone
02:39 Game Starts!
16:10 Just Show Me Moves!

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%1$ Comments172

    Hey Agad, no hate to you, but this game has been there in the channel of Jeetendra Advani or "Chess Talks" from India. He showed this game few years ago. If you may , you can check the video he had made. Just search Tal sacrifice chess talks <3 love from India bro

    I have never seen a single comment in any of your video of anybody asking for "just the moves."

    We all love the backstory, but the final summary is also a very nice addition.

    Very cool game. I'm surprised you had trouble finding this game, I have seen it covered on 2-3 YouTube videos at least. Going back quite a few years. Chess Talk covered it. Did you know who it was against or only that it was Tal? Also, what is the original source for this game? Is it in a book somewhere? Anybody know?

    I like the quick summary of the game and key moments at the end.

    How bad is it that we never got to see a Fischer Tal match. What a loss to the game we love.

    Tal's game feels magical compared to other chess players for me

    There is another training game between them that seems to me to be more famous and chaotic.

    This game reminds me of the games I play these days, where it starts with theory and then evolves into a complex middle game with amazing attack and defending ideas, the top engine moved being found again and again, followed by a win as a result of being a pawn up while having a better position. And then I woke up.

    Now that is a story worth sharing with your friends at the bar and library!

    I think the stories add a depth and personality that other channels don't have. Keep it up.

    60fp/s, 4k ? For chess ? Unreal 5 engine dreams or am i just too sensitive or perhaps cruel…C'mon…#uck that and continue your good work with these chess thing. 60 fps and 4k for chess…C' mon my friend… Don't be Unreal

    Is there a PGN for this game? The PGN in the description is a different game.

    Antonio, could you please correct the game score in your description? Thank you!

    My father loved Tal. We discovered your channel during Covid times and it turned out to be a topic of conversation every single day. He in India and me in the US sharing games during our conversation and moves on WhatsApp. He particularly enjoyed the Tal and Fisher sagas. I lost him last year. How I wish he got to enjoy this lost masterpiece. Thank you for the trivia and stories. Context is everything and you are a wonderful storyteller.

    … it's always in the last place you look. And Nicholas Cage saves the day again.

    Woo… my fav chess player…the Riga Magician Mikhail Tall. Thx

    New camera looks great! Love watching you watch The Magician from Riga

    Before I slept last night I was thinking that Agad has not posted a Tal game for a while and I wake up to this

    Great episode, we only have Dubov who is the best modern day version of Tal ..Do you know how those movie makers found this amazing game?

    Another magical spell form the Wizard of Riga.

    I watch every video you post. Not once am I clicking the video for the moves. I watch your videos for the love you put into it, the history you share, and the environment you create. We all love your channel for you, not the moves.


    The engine will show 0.00 but Tal just creates absolute madness on the board! Wow!

    Man if I'm Koblents I'm not resigning that endgame. I mean it's obviously dead lost. But I'd want to give tal a chance to promote and sacrifice a 4th queen for literally no reason.

    This is why i love chess
    Definitely some romantic school of thought with all these sacrifices

    "Just for moves"?? It is same as listening to a music "just for" notes,,,

    Some prefer just to eat a good dish, most love the so called presentation, the ingredients and who made it. You are a chef of chess, don't become an averege cook πŸ˜™

    Tal is my favorite simply because he loves chaos more than any player Ive ever seen

    I've been watching this channel since it started many years ago and just realized I don't see Medo anymore. Is he still alive and just prefers to be offcam now? I hope he is still around.

    Beautiful game! Great commentary. Thank you.

    Nicholas Cage movies are about Nicholas Cage being Nicholas Cage. That's why we love those movies.

    Young Tal playing white? Babe! Get the popcorn!

    I feel happy for your for your new camera πŸ˜€

    I wonder if they were discussing the game as they were playing?

    One of the most entertaining and dynamic games I have ever seen.

    You search for chess games how i search for music and movies.

    Moral Never accept tal sacrifice πŸ˜…

    I played that opening black played in 1977 but the very first was the two bishops over the king n queen then all the other things happened

    I absolutely love Tal's games
    The backstory of how you found the game was amazing!
    Keep them coming❀

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