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%1$ Comments264

    LOOOOOOOL look at the line that saves Vidit, than you understand why the Rook cannot go to h1. This is ridiculous, somewhere down the line the black rook would capture the white, and than it would be able to grab the pawn on h4 and defend the pawn on c4 at the same time. but if the white rook is on g1 then this doesnt work, cause g4 is covered by the horsie… black loses al pawns and its a theoretical draw. thats some sick deep calculation, that i doubt a human would ever come up with

    @35:30 I don't think Ian has ever lost any game in any Canidate's tournament. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I watched every second of the broadcast. I watched every second of this recap. I think @GothamChess recaps come out an extra pawn in the end game.

    "stabilizing the position. He can't move his rook anywhere, but that's life" . Does any of your chess comments actually make any sense or you just creating a fun lier story with fake tactics ?

    The question is will Ian win the candidates 3 times and lose the Championship match 3 times as well?

    Vidit losing that game may be reason we don’t get another American world champion

    Theory; Levy becomes GM when he perfects the arrow drawing

    Hikaru came to the board with a sightly better nervous system 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣- LMAO levy

    23:28 "find me one of those"
    I mean that kinda explains why you scream like a little girl all the time

    Its the 'judging by the speed at which THE Hikaru is playing' for me…

    hikaru would be 1.5 points ahead of nepo if it wasn't for vidit 😂

    Last 2 game hikaru won, was because oppponet done big mistakes, not hikaru playing aswesome….

    Responding to queen's gambit with queen's gambit? Bro thinks he's Hikaru

    Me as an 800 seeing the bar going down after a move: “Hmm yes, very foolish of them to put their pieces in that position.”

    what a day to tell about offer only 3 rounds left

    Wth. do you mean «if you're a Vaishali fan»? Who isn't?

    Hikaru explains a LOT of his thinking for the weird opening on his channel and how he wanted to do it to get Pragg off his game and cause Pragg to burn time. Sorry to advertise another streamer on your page Levy, but I figured you would be OK with it. Great resource by Hikaru on his page.

    hey Levy, I only just found out about the predictions feature while watching this video. I immediately logged into chessly, but it seemed predictions for round 11 had already elapsed. So I feel this is a disadvantage since I didn't have a way of knowing about the feature until the race had already started…..

    Ian is winning no cap
    He has still the regret of losing the title so he has trained even harder than anyone and his best in skills

    Game 2 no has been explored and white so close to my bird of paradise which there is two variations for right now and I'm going to post today at high level and it is fun to use at any level and you will baffle any kind of chess player and at 3200 level it has to make the first seven moves right or it loses , awesome game by white❤😊

    "this is so heartbreaking😭😭", "LOCK IN YOUR VOTES ON OUR WEBSTITE !!!!!!!"

    ""White just goes on a minority attack"….wait whatttt

    So lets summarize the state of chess right now. Its Nepo is the cryptonite of Vidit who is the cryptonite of Hikaru who is the cryptonite of Fabi who is the cryptonite of Ding who is the cryptonite of Nepo… Very interesting

    You could see Nepo's approach change when he saw Hikaru win. He really started pushing for the finish instead of just another draw.

    do you have a new camera or is it just the lighting

    "To work on last nights food" adding this to my dad sayings to use on conversation

    I don't think Hikaru was in his prep, he was just title tuesdaying this bitch 🙂

    Nepo is incredibly good, but he can't keep his composure in the World's Championship during that marathon session

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