You're not using the 2 nights to check mate using a Night and a look which is honestly really easy to do you could check mate with just a singular rook
Bro literally set the game in way were the possibility to be like is not just it is as low as it gets and if you want to prove me wrong play with some you dont know a random chess game and try to get to this exact position these king of channels where they have a set game are an absolute fucking lie
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bro u should move the horse better than king bc u can checkmate with one move
What about black rook take white rook at start of game
Actually without moving the king and still moving the knight to that square it is checkmate because the rook cant take because it is pinned
what happen if darukk take the knight in knight f5
knight on f6 and it's checkmate
pretty dumb
The “Chekmayt” 😂
Why cant the rook take on the first move?
what if rook eats knight
Nobody ever said that you can't checkmate with 2 horsey
chesscape:who said two knights cannot checkmate in chess?
you 2 videos ago
I like the way you say ChEcKmAtE
A brilliant genius
Myth busted
cHEaCkMaete 🔥🔥🔥
Knight e5 I'f rook take check w kngiht
For those that are wondering 2 knights CAN checkmate as shown here. BUT 2 knight can not FORCE checkmate.
2 knights can't checkmate, but 2 knights and a king can.
2 "cHƏÆcKMäĖt"
Thats the best short I've seen
This is dumb. We want to know how to checkmate with just two knights and no other piece of the board.
bro completely forgot the kings can't touch so no this fails because the king is not threatening to capture the rook on the next move
In the 1st how abt if the rook takes up yhe knight after it comes infront of it
The cHEckMatE at the end tho😂
I love how you say :" Check mate
There was no need to move the king because the rook was already pined so you could have already checkmate with the knight
I like how he says "ChEckmAyt"
Nice touch
Ow waw i didn't see that lol
You're not using the 2 nights to check mate using a Night and a look which is honestly really easy to do you could check mate with just a singular rook
I just saved myself, a hundred fifty bucks 😂
Knowing that I’m chess champion in my school, yes. This is the first person I’ve seen that has 1000 chess iq
Wouldn’t knight f4 be mate
Bishop from the corner:
Bro literally set the game in way were the possibility to be like is not just it is as low as it gets and if you want to prove me wrong play with some you dont know a random chess game and try to get to this exact position these king of channels where they have a set game are an absolute fucking lie
ChEcKMaTe 😂😂😂
hani 3 atla checkmate yoktu
But there is no checkmate threat after the dancing knight
This guy cracks me up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm learning and pissing myself laughing
Cheeeckk maaate😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
My ass would take the rook and miss the mate in one🤣🤣
Ton accent 😂😂
8×7 chess board