3 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments231

    Bro I only have a 500+ elo my average rating is probably in the 60s but goddamn I had two of my friends who were extremely smart (not in chess) and they play 4 games each ending with one up atleast 7 points of material and still drawing

    He sacrificed…. the QUEEEENNN for a stalemate. What a smart move man!

    Moral of the story:- don't loose the queen in 1move or you made someone scream on it.

    And he Sacrificed The GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's funny is that the only great move was a forced move 😂😂

    As a person who plays like 10 elo I can relate

    I don’t understand being upset at beginners they are just learning the game no one was perfect at first

    Levy is going to kill someone later

    Bro took Super Saiyan to the next level.
    Bro became Super Saiyan 2.

    and he sacrificed…..

    nothing…go away you creep

    The Waffle House has found it’s new host.

    These bots in comment section wild af

    White actually did a pretty big brain play at the very end.

    …either that or it was stupid luck.

    Day 2 of asking Levy to make a video about the new version of Alphazero

    - [L A Y L A]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW says:

    Bro took the queens gambit to a whole new level

    “Chess played perfectly is always a draw”

    these dudes are just like me frfr

    When you realise this is 3 times the chess elo of Mittens💀

    White actually did a pretty big brain play at the very end.

    …either that or it was stupid luck.

    "a perfectly played game always ends with a draw"

    Gotham your videos teach me a lot thanks man already 800 elo started playing only 1 month ago❤

    Gotham your videos teach me a lot thanks man already 800 elo started playing only 1 month ago❤

    Bro took the botez gambit to a whole new level

    White actually did a pretty big brain play at the very end.

    …either that or it was stupid luck.

    And he sacrificed…..THE GAAAAAAAMEE

    “Chess played perfectly always results in a draw.”

    This seems alot like something i would do in a game

    And he sacrificed… THE QUEEN

    White actually did a pretty big brain play at the very end.

    …either that or it was stupid luck.

    Black captures a protected piece with their king?

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