3 Elo Chess
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i won a game with being down 14 points of material heh
What’s the background song
Hey for us 500 players could you explain how they could have won at the end being up with material? I've definitely stalemated like that
The advantage of being a beginner and losing your queen, is that you can never blunder it later.
I had a stalemate when they had 34 points of mat on me
Bro literally said "ho GOd 'proceeds to look to god' "
Seriously Levi is the only youtuber that can make me watch an half an hour chess video
Wait did the black king take two turns? 🤔
That is literally me
Man it's really overplayed but I still really love the "perfect game = draw" meme.
My favourite strategy. The King Henry the 8th.
whats the original vid
whats the song name
This is called "The united kingdom gambit"
Bro really sacrificed the queen, and to top it off , promoted a pawn to another queen and then sacrificed THAT as well
Me at 1200 still making the blunder in the first clip
We went from queens gambit to queens fuckit
Stalemate is the most stupid rule
Botez gambit
Best move in second position is not moving the Knight but actually Be3.
the amount of sheer, unbridled and unhinged rage that levy expressed in the first 5 seconds scares me.
Welcome to Gotham chess Recaps
Please don’t watch me play Levy.
Help my opponents Queen is lesbian
Isnt the last one checkmate for white?
When I was winning the endgame,
I just sacrificed the ROOOOK,
then the BISHOOOOP,
Because I knew my opponent could still lead it to stalemate..
Can't blame him, he was just to happy for the material advantage..
how do u even find these? xX
Next is 1 elo chess
I feel you goth that also triggers me
0 elo
Please do not shout in the microphone again, it is so loud and annoying "Sac the Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook" WTF ! Oh, by the way, I love your content.
and he sacrifices, THE QUUEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!
the white square bishop could of took the king???!!
Ms. clicks😢
ahh yes the botez gambit
So many "chess played perfectly always results in a draw" comments ._.
Bro he missed mate in 2://///
I made a stalemate my apponent was 31 points of materiale up 😂😂
Reboot the queen
hey levy, i put a blindfold chess's move that i played ( my first blindfold chees game) into the board analyzer and it gave me a 2300 hundred rating and i only moved best and great moves
How to have a mental breakdown for Dummies:
That is why i dont play the sicillian
I just sacked the rook in a game
Bro that stalemate position looks like one that i played with my brother on a real chess board lol and i also had two pawns which i lost but it wasnt a 3 elo chess game it was super tensed
“And he sacrificed.. …HIS TEMPER”
DAMN, a queen sacrifice that leads to a 11 move draw