30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12

30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12
END THIS DEBATE!! WHO IS BETTER???? The following game contains funny blunders and a brilliant move!


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This channel is inspired by my favorite youtuber Top Chess I love making video about chess and memes. I make commentary for funny chess games, with blunders, brilliant moves and checkmates.

%1$ Comments302

    "cries in no bitches"

    Emotional damage 🙁

    Those Queens are complete cowards because they are bullying

    It’s Actually 23 Bishops Vs 23 knights 🤓

    We just gotta believe in our self… Queen: Checkmate😅

    Queen: Oh sh*t your right, I'll protect my king instead
    King: Women☕

    Shouldn’t 6:58 have just been check and not check mate? The king still has one space to move to.

    Um well actually according to my calculations its 23 if each

    Basically 7 year war in chess (France v Britain)

    Bro at the 2nd game couldnt the king run to a8?

    6:58 how is this mate? The a8 square is free for the king to go in!

    it was 23v23 lol
    do the math 8 rows * 3 lines = 24 – 1king =23 lololoolol

    Top chess clone your first thumbnail was even stolen from top ches

    Can you change the bishop voice please? It's really annoying

    now hold on, it wasnt mate on c8 because the king can still move to a8


    Nice video, I wish I had it on my recommendations a lot before

    My fork line be”dork you are you just got forky forked

    They mentioned Gotham chess and top chess respect mab

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