30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12

30 BISHOPS vs 30 KNIGHTS | Chess Memes #12
END THIS DEBATE!! WHO IS BETTER???? The following game contains funny blunders and a brilliant move!


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This channel is inspired by my favorite youtuber Top Chess I love making video about chess and memes. I make commentary for funny chess games, with blunders, brilliant moves and checkmates.

%1$ Comments302

    6:57 For those people who think black resigned, then why isn't there a flag logo on the black king?

    Thank you for not being a copy cat unlike some other channels who copy from top chess❤️

    Top chess vs chess king

    Better players
    Top 1-0

    Better jokes
    King 1-1

    More subs
    Top 2-1

    Better thumbnails
    King 2-2

    Doesn’t play the kings Indian every time💀💀💀
    King 2-3

    Fork cork smork ork
    King 4-2

    🎉king wins🎉

    Rooks are candian or austraillian knight is American bishop is Russian or French and queen and king are also American

    Correct me if I am wrong

    I just feel like you and top chess should collab that would be so cool also the way the knight went Fork Dork Click Smork was zoo funny

    Funny how the pieces tell each other their next moves

    You and Top Chess should do a collab! Seriously!

    Why the bishop ''say yes, thank you'' more like ''yes sank you''

    6:58 THAT ISNT A MATE. the corner square is safe for a checky checky check NO

    Chess king is better than the top chess in my opinion

    Bro should've said Forky Forky on smorkly dorks

    Man I love your videos thanks for making us laugh

    why are the bishops french. i like it!

    🤓☝️ erm actually there are 23 knights and 23 bishops because a chess board has 64 squares minus the amount of empty squares which is 16 which gives us 48, we then get rid of 2 for the 2 kings and he have 46, we now divide it by 2 to split the knights and bishops up. And our final answer is 23

    how do you make the voices?? I really love them

    It is not mate the king can run to a8? I think it's a8 but yea no mate

    It was not a mate the black king can still go to the left corner

    Hello there teacher what i can't those rook and one pawn with u

    Please stop copying top chess.I know that it is an 'inspiration' but really,think about it,Did he give you permission?

    Anyone tell me Thats king kill any piece ???

    Tag this to top chess so he can see the importance of bishops

    Bro send top chess this vid to show that bishops are good

    bishops are stronger but in the classic chess, knights are way better due to their early game ability to fork pieces and defend pawns even though rooks, queens, and bishops are better in endgames.

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