30 Queens. Can Martin Win?

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0:00 Intro
1:34 Game 1
10:03 Game 2

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%1$ Comments288

    And somehow, any games I play against Martin end in stalemate

    The fact with 30 queens you could win in one move is crazy

    chess should make the true martin bot

    ….I’ve never beaten a game of chess including against Martin… 😅

    Martin had more points on his board than his elo T_T and he still lost.

    The Spanish audio is so disgusting I had to report the video sorry 🤮🤮🤮

    I’m pretty sure that’s actually 31 queens when I counted them in the thumbnail

    Chinese Emperor with the least wives:

    WHAT IS THE KING LITTLE BALLER???sd?asd?!we!?@#?!@?#!@?#?!@!@?@$r>@#?4EKLTYUP45ERTY IHEEEWUBEEEE Iktghuh ea 1:59

    as someone who has lost to martin, this was a very good video🫶

    I have watched the video yet; but:

    1. Whatever Qxg1 2. Bxg1 Qxg1 3. Kf1 Qxh1 4. Nc3 Qxb2 5. Bxb2 Qxb2

    and White is down two Pawns, two Bishops, and a Rook for two Queens with 28 more Queens to go.

    I tried to set this up on my app, but it kept saying invalid position

    I beat Martin with 9 queens I can’t give him more because it says invalid position

    What is the meaning of "blunder?" I believe the correct term is "Martin." Yes folks, Martin has become a verb.

    Martin is the best bot for my 5 year old, who just started playing.

    It's kind of ironic that this is Levy's most popular video. It's GM genius to offer the bot 30 queen's & gain YouTube popularity not for playing the most difficult game, but playing a very entertaining game.😂

    "Ladies and gentlemen"
    "Eeha ey" "got Arrested"

    7:37 it was so funny how the white on the side went ALL THE WAY UP

    Bro beat Martin while Martin had 30 QUEENS. Meanwhile I can’t even beat Martin normally

    For those who don’t know. After this video was posted Martin got a buff. He is no longer beatable if he has 15 or 30 or some other variable over 10.

    I deno, Martin seems pretty good to me

    As a scrub who plays against bots a lot, my motto is ABC: "Always be checking," because I monster them and then stalemate and it makes me want to jump in a lake

    so martis iq is 298 (rommtemperature in kelvin)

    Room temperature is about 300. Kelvin, 300 K.

    Blud made Martin an Oriental King 💀💀💀💀💀💀

    Gotham turned into the Gungan leader in Star Wars Episode 1 at 12:37(time stamp)

    Bot is definitely trash lol. Could’ve just rammed every queen into a piece randomly. Or opened taking the a and h files instantly. Sheer material alone should’ve been an easy win lol.

    Martin literally won against me in 1 single move.

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