347,995 Players Fell For This Trap 😮

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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 (5… Nd4 6. d6 (6. c3 b5
7. cxd4 (7. Bb3) 7… bxc4 8. dxe5 Qxd5 9. exf6 Qxg5 10. fxg7 Bxg7 11. O-O Bb7
12. g3 (12. f3 Bd4+ 13. Kh1 Rg8 14. g3 (14. Qe2+ Kd7) 14… O-O-O) 12… O-O-O)
6… Qxd6 7. Bxf7+ (7. Nxf7 Qc6 8. Nxh8 Qxg2 9. Rf1 Qe4+ 10. Be2 (10. Qe2 Nxe2)
10… Nf3#) 7… Ke7 8. Bb3 (8. O-O h6 9. Nf3 Kxf7) 8… Nxb3 9. axb3 h6 10. Nf3
e4 11. Qe2 Kf7 12. Nh4 (12. Ng1 Bg4 13. f3 exf3 14. Nxf3 Re8) 12… g5) (5…
Na5) 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 *

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%1$ Comments611

    This should be what YouTube is all about

    After Qxg2 the is a really nice Bg4 trapping the queen in another way and according to stockfish its better

    quick question, why is king on e7 a good move? Nelson says that we can potentially take the bishop, but couldn't our opponent reponse with either pawn to b3 or b4 to potentially pin our queen to our king with their dark square bishop to a3 that is protected by a knight?

    I am the 347,996 th to fall into this trap

    Blackburne Shilling Gambit just got a new update

    I firstly knew this line from a Ben Finegold lecture about the Fried Liver, Nd4 (instead of the common Na5) was suggested by a kid, and Ben suggests this is super complicated and the main line theory goes c3 b5 Bf1 Nxd5. I didn't understand the point of Bf1, just remembered it, but this video nicely shows why cxd4 is problematic for white. Also there are quite a few master games in the main line and black is doing fine even in the main line. Conclusion: Fritz Attack > Traxler.

    Traxler is better than this trap

    Thanks anyway for the info

    I’m only in the high 700-800 range so why does white have to move the bishop to b3 where it will get captured and not bishop to C4?

    5:22 this set of moves after this time mark reminds me of the blackburne shilling gambit, its like the same idea

    I thought he would explain the traxler counter attack but this is something else. The traxler is also good.

    I’m 800 and I feel like everyone it’s playing this

    "This Bishop is about to cOmE oUT"

    Here’s the moves it starts with. They don’t know they just see this

    Love the Lego super mario, one of my favourite kits

    Very good opening but can you say me how is it caled

    Thanks a lot GM, But however, black's king turns to be at the centre ( can't castle ) while white's queen is still on the board, please give the solution for this, very many thanks.

    At 3:13 what about bishop c4
    Bishop is safe and not any follow-up from there……

    nice ideas in this! i usually just push h6 – "anti fried liver defense" which prevents the knight from landing on g5. Will definitely give this a go as it seems more aggressive and leads to a more open position which I prefer.

    I was wondering why I've never seen this fried liver attack thing… because I always play the blackburne shilling gambit into the italian game… don't bother with this shiz, just head it off before it starts

    At 5:24 where was the check coming from because i didnt see it(dont judge me i am only 600)

    Does that 'fried liver' come from Cantonese

    6:50 after … b5, the knight on d4 is lost, as white just slides bishop back to initial square, but knight has nowhere to go. Only "safe" square for knight is f5, but that removes defender of b5 pawn that bishop now eats with pleasure as this is at the same time check…. big advantage for white.

    lol traxler
    its so good i feel it coming inside me

    I defend against this by not playing the Italian game and instead playing the Scandinavian Defense

    thank you master your the best this like for you, because you i can go final chess tournament

    Suprised the recommendation wasn’t d5 exd5 b5!? this line is super dangerous and white’s only move to be better is bf1 and its not easy to find if you dont know theory

    The traxler was the first opening I really studied and it’s still one of my favourites. But these look like so much fun, I might have to rotate the traxler out for a while to try these out!

    When I was a club player, say, roughly between 1990 and 2010 and rated around 1700, EVERYBODY in East Jutland played Nd4! So it was by no means a rare move – it was more or less the main line!
    There ARE ways for White to deal with it, but those ways tend to take all the fun out of the game, which is not what you're looking for if you play Ng5. And still White has to play super accurately, while Black is having a much easier time. And if there's any fun, it tends to favour Black. That's why I quit playing Ng5.

    Such a great channel for chess players…thank you.

    You have to know this, here are the moves it starts with

    I’ve got a challenge for you:

    Beat Martin, BUT you have to play like Martin would!

    just allow this attack if ur black. most likely no one will be able to keep the advantage

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