3600 Elo vs. 3600 Elo
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pls cover the t-sec tournament
I would love a full recap of the bot battle championship 🤖
I won against Stockfish once. After the game he said gg and I responded ez np
Redpill jokes, like "stop being a beta" are not great.
6:20 idk do you?
Making bots play attacking gambit lines would be great content
❤your content bro
This isn't fair Levy, black is using Stockfish to cheat
Would love to see a few more of these games from the match!
Votham chessly cours3
Make em play a Danish or Halloween or Englund
What about alpha zero?
I showed this line to Yasseir Seirawan at the St. Louis chess club and he thought it was fascinating, so it’s probably pretty interesting I guess: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 e6 6.Nc3 exd5 7. Nxd5 Be7 8. e4 O-O 9. Nc3 Nxa6 10. e5 Bb7 11. exf6 Bxf6 12. Nf3 d5 13. Be2 d4 14. Nb5 Nb4 15. Bc4 Re8+ 16. Kf1 d3 17. Rb1 Re2 18. Be3 Bd5 19. Bxd5 Qxd5 20. Nc7 Qf5 21. Nxa8 Nc2 22. b4 c4 23. Nb6 c3 24. Bc5 g5 25. Nc4 g4 26. Rg8 Qd4 27. Nb6 Qe4 28. Na4 kh8 29. Ng5 Qc4 30. Nxf7+ Kg8 31. Nh3+ Kg7 32. Nxg4 Re1+ 33. Qxe1 Nxe1 34. Ne3 c2 35. Rxe1 d2 36. Nxc4 dxe1+ 37. Kxe1 c1+ 38. Ke2 Qxc4+ 39. Kf3 Qd5+ 40. Kf4 Be5+ 41. Ke3 Qc6+ 42. Kg4 Qxa4
I'd be interested to see what they'd do with the bongCloud opening
Make stockfish play the Jerome gambit
Pls show us the game
Make a recap of the best games plz😊
Please do make a video, would be fun to watch
I find it absolutely hilarious that they drew both games with the king’s gambit, but somehow didn’t with what us humans consider reasonable openings!
caro kann next
Levy please do more videos of king’s gambit including the bot parings
Most dank opening? I doubt that. Make them play the Bongcloud, see how many moves it takes for white to lose.
Who won tho?😅
King gambit is my favorite opening. I'm rated 500~ but currently play it as if i'm a 900. Watching this makes my heart melt with joy watching these dumb bots do this
Aren't the best bots over 4000 i can't understand why are these bots 3600?
please, cover more games
"Although this computer is a weaker version of that computer" Each engine should produce their own eval bar to see how they assess their own positions. That would be cool.
Please cover the TCEC I love the wild bot moves
0:49 I want you to make a video covering all the best games from that match
I do enjoy this
These games are so wacky
Well, the craziest opening is either the king's gambit or the englund gambit, but both of them i hate playing against
i wanna see more engine content.
especially wyld games like this.
Would love to see the breakdown of some new bot matches, they're fascinating to watch since they look at this game so differently
So, when I blunder half of my pieces, does it mean I'm not a noob, but learning from the stockfish, and my elo can potentially be like 3k+?
T-CEC = Top Chess Engine Championship
I’d like to see more computer games like this. It’s so interesting seeing the engines logic behind these moves
unlike other videos this one has 60fps
keep up i didnt buy an expensive pc for 30 frame 😂❤
Is alpha zero not stronger?
Pleaaase cover the rest of the games 🙏
More videos about botssss for plz
Danya did a video on this
Hi, can u please make content for low elo players?
More 3600 elo bots content please. It is so refreshing
Good idea to let the engines play the Kings Gambit, since we get extreme example of king safety + time vs material.
SF is like young Kasparov on steroids. This is fan..
I’d love to see a sodium attack by high level bots.
I love how his book is gonna be cheaper than his courses