3600 Elo vs. 3600 Elo

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%1$ Comments708

    I’d like a video on the engine tournament match!

    Let me skip to move 150 something … Yeah ummm frankly I'm not sure humans would play a game like that properly.

    yes I would like you to cover the other games, always enjoy your engine games content.

    I would like to see the boring alternate universe version of this game as the appetiser for the next vid where you cover their best games

    Jerome gambit is also a thing, and some other weird ones. It would actually be super interesting to see the bots' interpretation of ridiculous gambits

    I hated to play against Kings gambit so much, that I just learned the Falkbeer Countergambit. This game is a typical line, although it's a transposition. Anyways now im winning against every Kings gambit because white is not prepared. You should think about making a Video on it, black always remains its advantage but it is more straight forward to play

    This is my reaction to when i watch 2 1200s play chess

    my face when the engine played the top engine move:🤯

    Anyone else's try to wipe off the 2 black dots behind him on there phone, or was it just me.. 😅

    Make them play the hippo vs the cow opening

    TESEC is awesome even better than world champion

    Tank you Goth Ham for stocking the fish. Truly inspirational❤❤❤❤

    pls do make a video abt the best games of tcec!

    You definitely need to cover the entire match

    best bots stock and leile or idono? is alpha zero a bot or am i trippin

    Imagine top engines not playing the top engine moves 😮

    So they gave white a disadvantage from the opening… there’s no way that’s equal

    I love the King's Gambit, it's such a gigachad opening with a gigachad name, glad to see 3600 bots being able to draw it.

    I like watching the bots play each other. I feel it finds some super interesting moves.

    You could argue that every move in this game… was the top engine move xD

    THAT SURE WAS FUN (also sorry for watching you with 2 times speed)

    This is alien chess, so many moves that defy intuition

    GUYS NEW GAMBIT DISCOVERED: Bongcloud gambit

    Could you let chatgpt do a game review of two bots playing.. Would love to hear bots commentating two bots playing

    Can you stop saying white/black playing best moves in engine games since it literally makes no sense!

    Honestly i can't tell if GothamChess'es thumbnails are getting better or worse. I sure know his clickbaiting is getting worse

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