3600 Elo vs. 3600 Elo

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%1$ Comments708

    0 comments. 4.9K likes. That makes sence to me

    Its amazing that back in 2017, when AlphaZero introduced the idea of sacrificing material for activity on the Engine level, and the Bots these days do it all the time. Just shows how ahead AlphaZero was at its time.

    I just wished alphazero participates in such tournaments

    400 chess : Illogical and Hilarious
    1500 chess : A bit more logical but still blunders here and there
    2800 GM Chess : Very Logical Chess
    3600 Engine Chess : Illogical and Hilarious
    Oh how chess comes full circle.

    Make a video covering the best games of leela vs stockfish

    Stockfish giving stockfish a brilliancy is basically the obama meme

    Honestly, games like this make me want to see GMs forced to play a torney where they are required to play bad openings like this.

    King's Gambit rules! Video of the best games of the computer match – I am all for it.

    It's amusing when ads appear right when you're having one of your coniptions, Levy.

    something something time… weren't the time controls 120 minutes plus 60s? 120s?

    I love the videos about elo chess… makes me feel even dumber

    The offs will know a year ago when Gotham showed us stock fish v leeela and stock fish v alpha zero

    0:30 I've literally never heard of it before but it's pretty easy to deduce what it means
    The Chess Engine Championship

    Kinda crazy that King's Gambit is drawable at this level lmao

    Its lol je watching two gods fighting to win the other's universe

    stockfish:Plays the kings gambit
    Levy: gambits the king

    I love how Levy says "If you want me to make a video covering all the best games, I will" like he's not going to do it anyway.

    I want to see more games like this but I don’t think you’ll need to follow game by game like WCC

    I think the tournament is called The Chess Engine Championship

    As a huge fan of Leela Chess Zero, I'm ecstatic to see it draw as white in the King's Gambit.

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