3600 Elo vs. 3600 Elo

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%1$ Comments708

    Legit question Levy,I hope you answer,why is it that people who don’t play chess are so quick to judge people who do play chess and call them nerds,weird,and other things?

    I thought stockfish reached 5000 elo

    Would really love to see more engine games! Plz cover TCEC❤❤❤

    Bot games are so weird and so much fun to watch

    the kings gambit with knight C3 is really just a delayed bongcloud if you think about it.

    Team stockfish ,because he has beaten mittens

    I recently saw a comment that engine games are boring. In what world is this considered boring??

    0:30 TCEC stands for Top Chess Engine Championship. Not too original a title 😉

    Levy i love supercomputer chess make more content about them

    Imagine stockfish and leela becoming so smart by playing chess that they launch a full scale Invasion on humans. 🥶

    There you know hey soul sister take that mother rooker!

    i love the king's gambitg because there is a really cool trap you can make wich involves a queen sac, wich is a brilliancy according to stockfish lol

    Stockfish is a cheater and should be banned because it keeps playing the top engine move!

    I do want you to cover all TCEC games ever played. Seriously, I love the TCEC.

    That’s a lot more interesting than I had imagined. You’d expect endless shuffling leading to a draw.

    YOUR GREAT AND NO WORK!!! YOUR VIDS ARE ez to make but somehow you do the best vids in the world

    Absolutely love to see other games of bots.

    Please make full coverage video

    is this stockfish 15? Because 15.1 is 4023 elo…

    Hey Levy you got some dirty dots on your wall, I thought that was something on my iPad but no it's on your wall, so yeah

    More TCEC games please! Many insane games to choose from

    make the video of the best games from the engines plss
    I love the engine analysis videos

    Black is winning according to computer but this computer is a weaker version of that computer

    These are my favorite chess videos by far besides top player tourney coverage

    Do more videos about the tcec final, some games are legendary. I hope the reception is good

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