4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

๐ŸŽƒ Halloween Gambit Video:

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%1$ Comments742

    I will still make the mistake even if I know it is a mistake

    At 8:42, what about if someone plays the move Bf6 instead of Bg5? How would white then attack?

    What about in like 8 min of the video the queen can just take the knight for free right?

    1:15 bro you can take the f7 pawn with tempo and itโ€™s the same position with pieces but king is more opened than strippers

    Thank you for this! I am new to chess and I was playing the 4 knights then bishop C4 nearly every game. This helped a lot!

    What is the crazy move?? Why does he not talk about itElitism in chess is stupid

    there are no mistakes only happy accidents ๐Ÿ˜…

    You teach so clearly well! Kudos to you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š

    At 10:24 I feel like black would play Nb4 without giving it a second thought. It feels intuitively nice and the only good move for white is bc4, which I would never even think of playing in that position. If white is not aware and captures the pawn with Qxd4, black plays Nxc2 to win the game (queen rook king triple fork). If white is aware and plays Nxd4, black will do the same with Nxd5. Now the position looks equal but white simply lost their tempo and black now has the advantage.

    I feel like maybe this should be addressed, in the 1200 elo range a lot of players will go NxN rather than capturing the pawn on e4. It's very scary because the ONLY move for white that works is one that is not easy to find and unless you've seen engine evaluations on this line I don't think anyone comes up with this move.

    Queen takes knight g5 video minutes 9.19

    If youโ€™re under 1200 donโ€™t attempt the Halloween gambit lol. I got exactly what this dude setup but immediately got wrecked

    4:09 why not 6…Qe7 pinning the pawn to the king?

    I just sac the bishop in that position because it's fun. If I can't do the Jerome gambit, I do the next closest thing I can find.

    after the king's side knight to g5 why can't black accept the loss of tempo and take that knight with the queen?


    If only opponent would play the "They're gonna" moves.

    I thought that I was good at chess (easily beat a palm device set at 1750 Elo), and I fell for this, quickly making moves similar to the Guici Puano.Difference is NC3 for white that makes the next BC4 for white a blunder. Good trap to know for black for beginners.

    In my 600 rates, this is a winning opening ๐Ÿ˜‚

    0:21 (Deku voice) ummmm guys? I think this is a reference to the 2017 hit game โ€˜Fortniteโ€™ by โ€˜Epic Gamesโ€™ !

    In this position, I play the Halloween Gambit

    Belgrade is the name of my capital city ๐Ÿฅณ

    7:11 7. โ€ฆd3 8. cxd3 Nd4 9. Qh5+ g6 10. Qh4 c6 11. dxe4 cxd5 12. exd5 Bg7 and black has a great game (showing -1 according to stockfish)

    What about moving the white bishop to b5 to threaten and take the black night? Many players do it

    Me who made this mistake prob more than 100 times and thought its a good move

    5:57 Starting position of all the lines6:33 Line-1 black takes pawn with knight10:15 Line-2 black takes knight with knight11:37 Line-3 black plays natural move

    On the halloween gambit, I beat somebody so easily

    Love these chess lessons!! โคโคโค

    I am one in a million, atleast making this mistake.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    i used this 4 kinghts game to enter belgrade gambit

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