4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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%1$ Comments742

    we aren’t going to ask about the people who do bishop c4 and instead let’s ask about the people who do the brilliant pawn to d4 snatching away the center and offering a knight trade, except if they accept the knight trade my queen controls diagonals and if they run away it’s either run back to the original square or run to my territory where I can organize and charge more of my pieces to attack their horsey

    The first time I got hit with this I analyzed it and never made the mistake again lol I’ve used it as black though

    please stop using the ai art in your thumbnails it just looks weird

    In the position at 2:46, ironically the best move is …g5. Looks crazy to be opening up the king like that, but with the lead in development, white will not have time to get an attack in before he gets destroyed.

    If you really want to play Bc4, just play the Italian game!

    8 billion people – SAME MISTAKE
    Writing Mistkae

    This entire video could have been a youtube short

    they made a chess mistake but you made a spelling mistake on the title

    Tried the Halloween gambit 10 times and nobody fell for it.

    I love playing the halloween gambit against unsuspecting players in my chess club. They look at you like you're crazy, then you push all their material back and they're left with one developed knight. Stronger players will sometimes just let you capture the knight you're chasing in order to get back to development.

    I love how the word "mistake" is a mistake in the title

    Pawn to D3, Raw aggression. I'm not a an 1800, Nelson just massively underestimated his audience. 😅

    Fellow Halloween gambiters, rise up! all 2 of us!

    anyway my entire opening repertoire has been exposed, thanks Nelson!

    I play the giucco piassimo then do the four knights variation.

    The crazy move is danger levels btw. Hope that helped you to find it

    Under 1200: Halloween gambit
    Over 1200: d4
    Exactly 1200: MISTKAE

    Nah bro this is pathetic, you gotta do the intercontinetial ballistic missile gambit.

    The "mistake": -0.1
    The Halloween Gambit: -2.3 (I get it, it's tricky in my level for example, gotta allow that)
    d4: +0.1, but if you follow up with Nd5, -0.3

    So the mistake is better than the recommended option d4 Nd5. Don't play d4 Nd5. Play d4 Nxd4.

    I am certain I've played Bc4 there, with predictable results.

    This was great! Please do more like this where it's only a few moves deep for us noobs to follow

    The real mistake is not playing the King's Gambit.
    King's Gambit.

    So making an inaccuracy that gives black a tempo is considered a mistake, but blundering your knight isn't?

    unfortunate how you made a mistkae in the title

    I prefer developing more pieces before launching an attack.

    who plays 4 knights at 1600 and over… 1200's should already try to attack more and play openings with plans!

    7:10 Im guessing the crazy move he is talking about is bishop f4 and them pin the rook and king, only move is to take with the queen, and then take the queen with the bishop

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