4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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    You guys have to know that the Haloween Gambit puts white into a position -2 (basically fatal disadvantage). I am a 1700 elo, I once beat a 2300 where he played the Haloween Gambit, that is just so bad, don't play it.

    That is not a mistake there is no advantage for everyone on stockfish

    fix the title (MISTKAE) Nice video also!

    Black 8:13 bishop to b4 its double check by rook and bishop King moves to f1 rook e1 mate 👍 and even king moves to d1 its still mate after queen comes out in some moves

    I was scared that he was going to do the four knights scotch variety for the mistake

    I don't think this is sensible <1200 keep it simple and at that level material beats position and tempo.

    This video helped a lot, but I still don't know why it's called the four knights game. Does anyone happen to know?

    Just tried this and completely dominated my opponent 🙌🏻 I'm a believer in the Halloween gambit

    Thanks for the video! I am 1600+ and consistently play this mistake in blitz.

    How did you learn the exact amount of people that fell into this position ?

    4:29 pushing the pawn to e5 in this position means the black queen can pin your pawn to your king which also protects the knight. I’m surprised you missed that.

    Whenever I play 4 knights I always do queen’s pawn to d4.


    I lost 100 elo playing this because they’d blunder fried liver and I steal the rook and Nate them

    Tbh white could increase their winning chance with the halloween gambit

    As someone under 1200, I have absolutely zero confidence in my ability to successfully pull off an attack with the Halloween gambit.

    I am 700 elo and i know the move u said only 1800+ would know
    Queen takes knight

    one thing I've noticed since watching this video: taking with the knight only works in king's pawn games. in queen's pawn games, it doesn't work nearly as well, and bringing the bishop out is the correct move.

    Whats crazy is i usually didnt pull out the bishop until people start playing italian game and was told copying the opponent by putting the bishop out was smart

    And what about 5 … Nb4 against the Belgrade Gambit?
    I usually play this move, as Black…

    I see the four horsemen and need to check my calendar, "Is it time for Halloween already?"

    At 1.55: why can't white just play Ne4 and harass the queen again?

    1:30 this is actually really good position for black
    stockfish: 0.0

    That trick is old bro
    i used that as a 900 and got to 1300
    Learned from mittens

    I don't know where you found your 4,4 millions mistakers because the situation you show is not the most common : few people actually move their second knight to c6. And then, if they don't, developing white bishop to f4 is not a mistake at all. I do it all the time and I often win (after when I loose it's for other reasons)
    Some accept the pawn Scotish gambit. Some move the pawn in a6 to prevent move of white knight on b5 to attack c7.
    SO THE RIGHT FORMULATION IS : white Bishop in f4 is a mistake IF BLACK KNIGHT IS in c6

    In that position(I am around 600 rated) I usually play pawn to d5 hoping for an exchange of pawns, then exchange of knights which allows me to bring my Queen out. Next time, though, I will try out the halloween gambit to see how it goes

    On the belgrade gambit, why doesnt queen just take kg5


    4.4m players made mistake but u made mistake in mistake spelling 😐

    Okay but what if you go queen e7(black) instead of putting horse back
    It pins your pawn and makes so you can't take knight 4:41

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