4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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    There's a crazy move here! But I'm not going to tell you 😂

    i wonder why this video doesn't address the stronger reply by black according to engine on move 5:
    1. e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. Nd5 Nb4

    also, Bc5 appears to be a valid response for black. (Assuming we are white since we took the decision of 4. d4)

    I simply castles if he takes my pawn

    i have 2360 ELO! 1 NO…4 Bc4 its not a misstake;its 100% a goud move!!! 2 The Halloween Gambit is incorrect…yes incorrect!!! Why…look: 1 e4 e5 2 Kf3 Kc6 3 Kc3 Kf6 4 Ke5!? Ke5 6 d4 Bb4!!! uhhhhhh…yes yes…its not so simple!!!

    Yes i did the mistake in 1000s in 5games noone found that

    I recognize this Nxe4 d5 motif from the Vienna Game. Fun stuff.

    4.4 million youtube captions, only 1 MISTKAE

    The line is when black plays d3, taking with queen is the best move, but if you take with pawn, Black plays Nd4 attacking your queen, then Qh5+ is the best move and black plays g6, you might be able to catch them off-guard with Be2, but that is -2 and instead of Be2, you play Qh4.

    The one who type the title also made a mistkae

    Can you play the Halloween gambit if knight blacks goes h3? If your playing as white?

    Why are you teaching gambits rather than solid chess fundementals ?

    Why video name is "SAME MISTKAE"
    SAME MISTAKE is right.

    8:11 white is getting mated in 2 after that bishop move!
    Black is NOT in trouble, black is beating you in 2 moves.

    I've made this mistake for 90% of my matches for the past 3years

    Great video!
    I tried the opening and this is the game. It was amazing:
    1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bc4 Nxe4 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Nxe5 Nxe5 7. Bxd5 Qxd5
    8. Nc3 Qxg2 9. Rf1 Bg4 10. Ne2 Nf3# 0-1

    I can't believe so many people make this mistkae

    Curious you said blacks in big trouble around 8:14 but would the king get double checked if black moves Bb4+ as well as getting checked by rook so either move from king would put him in mate at that point??

    Tbh, the nerd face is what got me to watch the video

    I won thanks to your teachings. Just know that you are great at what you do. Thank you.

    Thank you so much for the opening variations!

    engine recognises this an an opening. Why is it a mistake?

    You made a mistkae in the title.

    a good game style but disappointing that it can only be practiced on 31st October

    Anyone know what to doif the knight insteadof goingto either c6 or g6 goes g4?zzz

    What if you go Bb5? If black takes my knight at e3 I that it's knight at c6, give a check, black has to do bc6: and then I can take e5 with my Knight.

    I wanted to make y a joke about "mistkæ", but this is actually a really good mistake, i have done it many times and did not see, thank you so much!

    Everybody wants to save the It’s the understanding of sacrificing I can’t get over. I’d be losing our peace or turn it over for them to take a vantage of me. How do you get over that?

    07:30 why dont eat the white horse with the queen instead of doing what you proposed?

    I can’t play chess for longer than 30 minutes…. 😢😢😢😢

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