4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

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    This combination is bad only ih you evaluate by taken pieces. Fortunately or not, chess is a bit more complicated than just counting the pieces.. Position and evaluation is equal, not to worry…

    Well the four knights game is played in theory with 4.Bc4 as far as I know. The mistake, in theory, is 5.Nxe4 since there are better ways to recover that pawn.
    I myself play scotch gambit tho, it's one of my favorite openings.

    This is stupid, it's a classic Italian opening, not a mistake

    I'm beating bots at 1400 but I'm a 700 something against humans 😂

    please improve ur spelling
    not 'MISTKAE', it is 'mistake.

    I think this is the best channel for learning chess

    the "common" mistake here is shoving both of your knights out there blindly.

    Cant tell if its spelled wrong on purpose or by mistkea

    Didn't know there were this many variables in chess

    There is another variation other than the 3 expected moves. I played the Belgrade Gambit variation where opponent cleverly stops with knight e7😅 after whites knight move to g5, can someone explain from here?

    I always fianchetto my bisshop(s) first instead of bringing it out like that.

    6:10 "We're hoping he'll take it." Well, he didn't, he moved knight to b4

    why so many out there making this weird motion with the piece when they think the move is clever, also who choose to play the 4 knights with consistency?I'm waiting answers, legit!

    if you sim1:36,than comes D2-D4, E5xD4,E4xC6,B2xC6,D1xD4, O-OThan all centerpawns of both sides are gone. With the chance that (in low elo) black doesnt see O-O and plays C3-C4 instead.

    I have watched SO many of these openings videos and every time I try them the computer never responds the way it's played out in the videos. You have to just get lucky and the computer plays exactly what moves the teacher says.

    White isn't worse at all.. White is +0.15 according to engine after the bishop moves back and recaptures the pawn.

    yes but i highly doubt that if i couldn’t find the move. I highly doubt my opponent who is close to my rated elo will see this either.

    The first mistake…i could play as black and see them make that mistake 😂

    This video is so on point I didn’t understand how time passed. Instant subscribe!

    The real mistake is to take the black knight, after it takes your pawn and then moving your bishop. You can lure the king out with your bishop as you say, but not right away.

    chess vibes: 4.4 million make this mistkae4.4 million people: he makes a mistkae and not a mistake

    The bishop's move Fc4, reputed to be bad for White, is an asset for those who want to run the show and lead the offensive.Especially with the Halloween Gambit and the White Knight's sacrifice xe5 !

    Found the line, full of great moves and a great defensive position for black while winning a bishop. Yes it's crazily risky and scary

    What if after pawn to d5 the black king-side knight takes the pawn on e4? This is threatening a knight or the fork if he goes to f2. I took with the knight on c3 but it didn't play out well. None of the commentators talk about this regarding this gambit. Am I missing the proper response?

    Y'know what… It's almost Halloween, I better learn this Halloween Gambit!

    The Italian Four Knights Game is not a mistake, quite embarrassing to think that a National Chess Master would think that it is.

    In the Belgrade Gambit, what about the move of black sacrificing their queen to take the knight at g5, you take it with your bishop.. and then what? It feels tricky after this.

    Pawn to D3 would be the crazy move to mess everything up

    Everytime I got 4 knights game I head straight to sacrificing my knight on E5

    Just tried it and wow it worked like a charm. Im only 300 elo but it was a very solid game. Ill def be adding this to the bag of tricks.

    I dint understand the haloween gambit lol.

    As an alekhine's defense player i have seen this a lot and its such a good feeling when they make this mistake

    That's why I've been learning Ruy Lopez since I was 1000 Elo, and now I'm 1600 Elo even though I started playing chess about a year ago.

    It's not a mistake guys. The mistake is taking his knight…

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