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    The most common mistake in chess is actually 1) d4

    crazy move on 7:11 is pawn d3. if the queen takes then black's knight is unpinned; if the pawn takes you check with the bishop, and trade with the knight and now allowing queen e7; if white blocks with the bishop, black can either take the bishop or the knight with queen g5. if white goes queen to e3 then you can just go queen g5 and trade pieces.

    1480 raiting here. I found the d3 "crazy move" potentially leading to the royal fork. Guess that is the only thing they can do other than thinking passively.

    I don't make that mistake I like stockfish opening which is bishop b5

    I always play this move in the 4 knights😅

    1:37 Nope, this is a drawish position according to stockfish, its top suggestions is O-O, d4 and Qe27:10 This "Crazy Move" seems to be d3 and the reasoing behind this is that you sacriface the pawn for a lot of tempo followed by a couple moves of danger levels and then reverse the attack back on white or to move the king, unless you instead do "Qxd3", then it is just some tempo and a little bit of tactics that follow.

    i first saw it in paul morphy's game as black

    I have made that mistake over a 100 times.😂

    thank you, ive been stuck sub 400. and seeing things like this helped me rethink my moves. instead of just moving to move in the opening a specific way. now i pressure & look to protect. now im winning against 500+ rated players and my elo is raising.

    at 7:44 why cant the queen just capture the whihte knight on g5?

    7:09 The crazy move is for black to do Pawn D3 which threatens the queen but can also be captured by the pawn
    White's best response is to capture it their pawn and then black will play Knight D4.

    # This forces the white queen to remove the pin on the knight, if they think they are sneaky and move the white queen to E3 you will notice that there is a queen, rook, king fork on c2.

    So instead, white's best move is to play Queen H5 check to desperately hang on.
    Black will play Pawn G6 to block the check.
    White will drop back 1 square to h4.

    # If Black ever for some reason decides to capture your knight on G5, just recapture it with Bishop Takes G5.

    Black will play c6, threatening a knight.
    White will capture the black knight with Pawn Takes E4.
    Black will capture the white knight with Pawn Takes D5.

    I think the line he didn’t want to talk about was 7…d3 8. cxd3 Nd4 9. Qh5+ f6 10. Qh4 c6 11.dxe4 cxd5 12.exd5 Bg7 (13. Qg3 O-O 14. d6) 13. Kd1 h7 14. Nf3. With the option for black to go Nf3 or Qxh4. Both of which leave black in a better position.

    Either I'm doing something wrong or this clearly doesn't work as tried it now four times and every person started with this and IV got smashed in every game

    Why not Black Queen takes Knight G5?

    Funny when ever I watch the videos from this person, he never talks about the alternatives that I see and play. This is only my second video of his, most likely my moves are the worst of he doesn't even meantime them! 😳

    Just tried this on 650+ and this really helps! I didn't knew what to do in some instances and this totally works.

    Hello, I have an argument about the bishop sacrifice you said was wrong. Please educate me on how I’m wrong if I am. At 2:08, instead of castling, you could play pawn to d4, threatening to trade material in order for center control and develop your queen. If h8 comes instead of takes, just move knight to e8. No? Anyone please correct me if I’m wrong. And upvote if you’re wondering as well

    I’m interested in the “crazy move” for black on the second example

    "crazy move" — the most obvious move in the position. Like who wouldn't play d3 to unpin themselves

    As far as I know a tempo is not a turn. As you can gain a tempo, but you can not gain a turn. Gaining tempo might mean archiving the same position in less moves, or forcing your opponent to go back at the same position as he were before. So in this case you do have gained a tempo, but it is not the general rule, as if the knight would have gone to a different square that would not be a tempo advantage, just a position advantage.

    mentions crazy move, says it's good for black, refuses to elaborate.

    Why wouldn’t they undo the pin with the bishop instead of the queen? 6:50

    I always intentionally blunder my queen first, usually on move 3. I like to get my queen off the board asap so I don't get angry later. It's been working good so far.

    There is a 3rd option at 3:55, I don't know why you didn't cover it because that seems like a troublesome position for white. And of course the first thing that happens when I play the next game is someone playing the 3rd option against me.

    Thats why you play the scotch variation

    7:15 bro low-key activated everybody's curiosity to find it. genius

    Instead of taking the knight we take on f7 and then the knight to bring the king out my chest sir has taught me this

    I'm just trying this trick and I get the 7:07 position. you can actually check mate with queen h5

    Bro is saying Bc4 is a BIG MISTAKE and two seconds later proceeds to recommend a gambit that loses by force 😂

    Interestingly, none worked with the players <1200

    11:58 you kinda just playing chess there is not many tricks here

    I did a 100 elo match against someone, so I’m very confused rn

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