4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

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    awesome video dude! also a year ago you made a video about studying chess openings and mentioned the book FCO(Fundamental Chess Openings). Do you think the book MCO(Modern Chess Openings) would work just as well?

    no offense but you misspelled your title lol

    My friends play this mistake against me, and I always do the right thing:)

    I like how I am the one punishing this mistake but is still in 750 range

    TYSM I can already see myself gaining 2583927476729173858674 elo after watching this

    That 3d… thing… in the thumbnail… is so incredibly ugly. I hate it. It's like the stupid facebook minions but worse.

    Challenge:play Martin but you have 10 lives and you get a live off when Martin takes 2 pieces(3takes:one live off.)

    That is not a mistake. I have played that dozens of times and stockfish has never labeled it as one/ the eval never goes significantly down


    I love your content chess vibes❤ you have the best chess vids😀

    The title of your video has a mistaek in it.

    Every Beginner starts from this mistake!

    What kind of chess game because there is a lot of chess games


    in the position black have a hanging pawn on e5 if you play the halloween gambit, you can play it against stronger opponents to, my first game was a win against a solid 1700 guy in a team match.

    The "crazy move" he's talking about is 7.d3
    It attacks the queen and forces it to take the pawn, unpinning the knight.

    7:35 there are 2 more moves, no? d6 and d3. I don't get d6, but d3 seems kinda normal.

    Isn't this fine for white if you play Bd3? I play the petroff so a lot of people play this against me and the engine shows that white is fine

    Real talk: If I had the so-called “better position” as black, I honestly wouldn’t be able to tell and I wouldn’t even feel that good/confident 🤔. I’d be nervous and not really feel like I’m winning

    I honestly wouldnt have clicked on the video if there was no typo

    It seems like yesterday that I commented that you were close to 200K, now, here we go again-this time 300k-Nelsi, you deserve this growth!

    So when the king is on f7 and you check with the knight can't you just take with the queen?

    I hate when i keep making the same mistkae. 😢

    Me: plays the halloween gambit
    Me: proceeds to trade all the pieces

    Nooo, my favorite trap opening has been revealed wahhh

    That's why black should follow up with C5 after E4 or go English with e6.

    the real mistake was playing the four knights

    Challenge: Normal chess except you dont use ai to generate the images in your thumbnails

    I think the crazy move was pawn to d3 attacking the queen

    Lol i watched this video and the first game i played white did the same mistake

    Good video! I also have a challenge. You start off with martin, but everytime he blunders you go to the next bot optional Everytime he makes the best move you add a pawn to his army. ( start off with A and H)

    can you please do a video on Larsen's Opening or King's Fianchetto please

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