4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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%1$ Comments742

    Someone played this against me yesterday, and I got crushed.

    is it just me or is there a typo in mistake

    Dear Nelson: This is by far my favourite chess channel. Deep enough analysis at an appropriate level for me. Thanks so much.

    I messed up so many people with this😂

    play against marten but you don't have a queen pls

    I do this mistake every game and I have 1100elo

    I've been playing chess for a few months but I never had that position

    Intentional mispelling to increase engagement. Smart

    I'm responsible for at least 50k of those mistakes.

    4:18 In this position I like to play nxe4, countergambiting and fighting back in the center. How can my opponent respond?

    For the people that are wondering, the crazy line is black pawn to d3

    Thank god I'm not one of those people I'm a 1500 elo chess player😄

    Not sure c3 is such a crazy move… makes a lot of sense to me. Then again I’m USCF 2068

    Personally, I'm partial to 4 B – Kt 5 in that position.

    The move he didn't show was pawn to d3for black it attack white queen and free the way for black knight to jump on d4to attack queen on Next move

    Idea for a new video:

    -One player has a set of White pieces and the other has a set of black pieces
    -Each piece has a certain property I.E bishops can move on diagonals, king can move 1 square in any direction etc.
    -The players each take turns moving their pieces, with the purpose of trapping the other king so he cannot move without being captured
    -The winner is the first to do "trap" his opponents king
    -Google En Passant

    6:b4 Nf6,7:Ba3 b5,8:Qf4 Nh5,9:Qh4 Qd5
    All of these move are blumders, do you know what happened?

    Can you make a video about solving 2500+ puzzles with explaining ? That would been great.

    Btw the crazy move is probably d3. It leads to white having really open center or if played incorrectly by white could also lead to losing rook or queen.

    The problem with all these videos is that you always talk about what the opponent CAN do. What they actually will do depends on the rating, and so which moves are good or bad depends on the rating. What they CAN do is only relevant at high rating, because that's where they actually see what they CAN do, but if I'm at high rating then why would I be watching this video?

    I play the scotch four knights a lot and never thought of the gambits, ever. So this definitely serve me good, thank you Nelson 🙂

    I love the halloween gambit but i never get to play it

    I made a poem about the four knights game
    The Four Knights game, the chess board's claim To battles fought in ancient fame.

    Four knights stand tall, their form on display, Intricate moves, in a symphony they play.

    A battle of wits, every move thought through, A grand opening, worthy of the view.

    The pawns advance, the knights take the lead, A daring display of strength and speed.

    A grand entrance, a round of applause, The Four Knights making their noble cause.

    Players in awe, with each calculated move, Strategizing, ready to improve.

    So let's keep playing this ancient game, With the Four Knights opening, forever the same.

    As long as chess is played, their memory remains, The Four Knights, their glory forever sustained.

    who makes these faces for thumbnails? and i know this mistake from where i was a little child, I've got a better position because of that thousand times

    I actually made this mistkae and luckily i still won.

    Day 11 chalenge chess but Martin moves twice 🫶

    next video: 9 BILLION people made this mistake

    This is called center fork trick 🍴

    the crazy move is d3 (credit goes to @Vasu Tomer)

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