4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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    You said the knight would either go d6 or f6. My enemy kngiht went g4._.

    Instead of 3. Nc3 (3 knights, likely going into 4 knights) just play 3. Bc4 (Italian game) or 3. Bb5 (Ruy Lopez/Spanish game)

    Or if you're trying to avoid the Spanish & Italian you can diverge earlier and go into the Bishop's opening, the Vienna, the Scotch, etc. There's a whole world of e4 e5 openings

    If you're trying to avoid everything theoretical but still play e4 you can play a King's Indian attack with e4, Nf3, g3, Bg2, O-O, d3 and Nbd2 before expanding for a kingside attack

    hopefully i dont make this mistkae again, thank you

    One of my opponent did this mistake in a tournament i didn't watch this video before,i didn't counter it and it resulted to a draw😭😭

    I am stuck in 1200 elo 😢how to improve I practice daily

    At 8:14 why not black does Bb4 double check, white moves f1 or d1 and then rook e1 checkmate…am i missing something ?

    The crazy line after Ng5 starts with …e3! attacking the queen according to the engine.

    is the crazy move in belgrade gambit d3 ? because then you have to take or move the queen, and if u take i move my knight to d4 attacking the queen and putting u in trouble.

    hmm … can some chess expert tell me why ,at 8:13 , black doesnt play bishop b4 and double check king , so white can't block , and win with rook e1 ?

    I like playing d4 after the four knights happen

    is the hidden move taking the horse with the queen?

    4.4 Mil Players – SAME MISTKAE correct spelling

    I do deliberately allow adds run on your videos, since I can't pay you. Your videos have really really improved my game

    white can first attack the pawn and then bishop to c4 thats called italian game yk catle defend your pawn open diagonal black-squared bishop and protect the pin

    I love the way do you talking to peaple ander 1200 like they woze a little children 🤣🤣🤣

    Nice, i will definetely look forward to the Belgrade gambit

    I am new to chess, this was really informative & fun, thanks

    Thats why my favorite opening is the bishops opening.

    Very interesting and useful tips, thanks!

    You made a mistake, you spelt mistake like mistkae

    Traditionally, if you don't want to gambit your pieces away, the best line is typically bb5 in the four knights game, putting pressure on the knight and forcing black to lose the opportunity to push their d pawn or compromise their pawn structure early on.

    You didn't talk about d3 after Ng5 ? And Qxd3 Nb4, NxNb4 BxNb4, c3 Bd6, NxNe4 Qe7, f3 fxNe4, Qxe4 QxQe4, fxQe4 and black have a better position…

    i always move the pawn like in the >1200 option

    Could the crazy move be to put your other knight behind your pinned knight?

    I think my rank is -4 million the only way I can get even a stale mate is to just quit before a move is made

    I actually had an opponent in a tournament play this. When I won the pawn, he was discombobulated and lost.

    Why don’t you pin the night first before moving the pawn up to attack it in the Halloween

    Wait so in this position in the 4 knights game, not only is Bc4 a mistake, but against higher rated players the best move is to sacrifice material?

    Honestly after Bxb7+ Kxf7, Neg5+ Kg8, white best move seems to be d4… Rather than 0-0… A more active game for White and black needs to play quite sharply as his pieces are not coordinated yet.

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