4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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%1$ Comments742

    For years was I mistkaeen. Thank you for onpeing my eyes.

    Bro, just play Scotch Four Knights and then main line.

    1:40 how's that a better position for black when white has +0.3 advantage….and that bishop move wasn't a mistake..

    I like how he messed up mistkae although making a video that tells 4.4 millon made the same mistkae

    7:10 is the move queen on d8 takes g5? That looks like a crazy move

    … what is the crazy line? I tried looking it up but I saw nothing.

    Yo you have a mistkae in thumbnail

    The move order you most commonly see reaching the Italian Four Knights is 3.Bc4 then 4.Nc3. How do we deal with the Two Knights Defense?

    In holloween gambit, what if knight instead of going back to e5, goes to b4. Will I ignore that knight and simply solidify my center or I go pursue and maybe in some case if there is an available line that will trap that knight if it goes to b4? Just being curious. Thank you.

    Everyone has fallen for the old fork trick.

    5:16:Why can't you just take with the queen?

    The crazy move is d3 btw,and what im wondering is why can't the c2 pawn take, the knight is still pinned and is under attack by the pawn

    Please let me know because im very curious

    ??? it isn't a mistake and it's not a bad position if you play bishop d3 after d5 and then takes takes on e4 and castle or d4 (I like d4 option more)
    (i mean i could be wrong but 24 depth stockfish shows that it is ok for white)

    7:30 hey sorry 1250 rated player here with a noob question, why can’t black just take the knight with the Queen ?

    Can you make a video giving tips on how to successfully play bongcloud in low ELOs? I'm ranked 500 with bongcloud only and trying to climb.

    1000 subscribers with no video challenge says:

    whether WHITE attacks from the left side or right side BLACk will gain the tempo

    Bc4 is not actually that bad. 1:17
    I played such opening as black once, and white went Bc5. Now, if I black takes dxe4, white Bxc5+, and black has awful position with two pairs of doubled pawns

    Been in this position…lots to say the least! Great explanations on what to do! Worth a sub!

    I have made this mistake many times in the past. 😉 Funnily enough I realized that in the position at 2:20 if instead of giving the pointless check with Ng5, i simply drop back with Ng3 (and if they advance e4, drop the other Knight as well with Ng1), this is in practice a 70-80% winning position for white at ~1900 lichess rating. I know the engine says that position is garbage for white, but in practice black usually doesn't know how to play this at all. That way you can possibly still salvage the situation even after you blundered (not against 2000+ lichess though).

    Stockfish said that the Bc4 opening is one of White’s best openings

    make that 4,411,920 players that made that mistake

    But question if I was black could’ve I move the black knight in c6 to e7 and either white knight d5 on takes it on and I take back by queen so that way I get rid of pin while releasing the queen?

    I do this everytime but thats a missclick

    I didn’t watch this video before I played Black correctly in same position of a recent game. White played Bxf7+, which surprised me a bit in the game, but then my two Centre pawns pushed his knights back and dominated the board. Now he’s in trouble and I will win material soon.

    help me i cant figure out why its called 4 knights😫

    Here come the conspirations like if you are under 1000 play this, if you are over 2000 you know what to do, wtf are all of these things supposed to mean?

    Never give a knight for a tempo under 1200 ELo

    I attempted this Halloween with black on the computer and ended up with my Queen taking Rook, Knight and three pawns on the White Queen side for checkmate on the corner

    Is it not 4.4 mio players, but 4.4 mio games where this happened?

    What about the Spanish or double Spanish symmetrical variation

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