4.4 Million Players – SAME MISTKAE 😮

🎃 Halloween Gambit Video:

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    It an interesting line but it’s by no means better for black and bf1-c4 isn’t a mistake I bet grandmasters play this move too. Also the Halloween gamut is just soooo trash don’t play it.

    2:36, after casting for white, isn't e4 a much better move?

    If white learns play d3 here, at the beginner level I believe white is much better, or at least the plan is much clearer. Put the bishop on d2, queen on e2 and long castle. If black wants to play h6 and take the knight on h3, then im sure white is happy to open up the g file while blacks king has to burn a few moves to fix their castle.

    I play Halloween gambit as an 1800 and it’ll win maybe half of the blitz games and most of bullet games I play,
    Favorite opening, I highly reccomend

    Please either don't mention any crazy move or tell what is the crazy move , you have now idea how many OCD's you are triggering here

    Haha that’s great I played this all the time as a beginner not knowing it was theory I think a lot of beginners gravitate towards this opening because its development is intuitive and most beginners play e4.

    I hope he fixes his mistkae that he put in the title,because mistkaes help you improve so hopefully he doesn't make the same mistkae again when teaching about the mistkaes people make in this position.

    id like to take pawn on e4 and make Halloween gambit

    I feel kind proud of my chess-newbie self, that I played at least the first 1-2 moves of those gambits without knowing about them (just thinking "well if I do this, that is very annoying for black"). But I cannot say I planned this far ahead, nor that I converted the position as well.

    Excellent lesson – exactly what I am looking for – I will definitely carry on watching you – I hope you have a comprehensive set/book of these

    If it were me I'd probably just do something psychotic like take their pawn after they take mine lmao

    What I always play is the Italian (so, knight attacks pawn, knight defends pawn, I then move my bishop). But my opponent always then attacks my pawn with their knight and I defend it, leading to this exact same position (but it never got taken advantage of). Does this mean I should defend it with the d-pawn instead, or what? And then if my opponent moves their bishop to c5 (commonly seen), I can just take the e5 pawn myself? Or would that not be good enough anymore since in that case I lost 1 tempo (moving the d-pawn twice 1 space rather than once 2 spaces)

    Bruh just played my best game using the Halloween gambit. They played the exact same moves

    fun fact: Nxe5/Nxe4 is the easiest brilliant to find

    So it Nc3 early in the Italian game if black took out both knights first also a mistake because it puts you in this same position?

    Now if they see that and takes your f 7 pawn

    I consider it kinda cheap not to "give away" a great move. Good video, didn't like the attitude. Thanks, though, informative.

    QxNg4 :/ No protection and no pin nor attack

    "ok so you shouldnt do this because you lose a piece, instead you should use this move that loses a piece"

    If you want that tempo, why don’t you play the Vienna opening (it’s like the Halloween gambit, but you don’t have to sacrifice the knight)

    6:10 why is b-c5, protecting the pawn, not even worth mentioning?

    moving the bishop to c4 is top engine move..

    You mispelled this. Is this intentional?

    So about the crazy line, I’m only 1250 but I think I got it: pawn to d3, c pawn takes, knight to d4, and if the white queen tries to keep the pin and goes e3 you move the knight over to c2 forking the king, queen, and rook… is that it?

    Learning this has dramatically improved my openings, thank you!

    Playing the four knights Italian isn't a mistake, it's just an even position… and any opening that gives like a 0.3, 0.4 advantage for White doesn't mean anything anyway so that's absurd that you call that a mistake. I'd say the big mistake is PLAYING a Halloween Gambit! 🎃

    I had to contemplate for a second what you meant when you said "It looks supernatural."
    Me: Do ghosts appears on c4? What is the secret of this mystical square? Ohhh… super natural, as in very natural.

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