#chess #brilliantmove #checkmate


%1$ Comments211

    Blud did brilliant moves in a row than I have in my career

    Creo que está partida fue de Mihail Tal vs alguien que no me acuerdo, pero lo que se es qué ésto es mihail tal

    The last move he had checkmate
    He could've taken the rook for checkmate

    what is the thunder sound effect please tell me

    Пешка должна была убить королеву.

    Why didn't black get queen with rook d6 Or with pawn?

    And this is how you make someone delete their account

    Why didn't you capture the queen with the pawn or the rook?

    Which game is it? Who played as white?

    Didn't he just have to move Re8 and then take the rook? Checkmate or he wanted it to be Brilliant Move

    My question is couldn’t check mate be completely stopped if he took the queen with the pawn. Then moved the rook to the bottom rank

    Те, кто пишут, что это бред, просто не умеют играть в шахматы

    Почему черные не рубят пешкой белого ферзя?)


    Sử dụng biểu tượng hay đấy

    If you played this you woulda get insta-banned for cheating lol

    Бред, эту партию такими темпами слить вообще легко

    Why black let queen just be there instead of trading

    Knight white: BRILLIANT
    Pawn black: good
    Queen white: BRILLIANT
    Queen black: inccuracy
    Queen white: BRILLIANT
    King black: excellent
    Rook white: BRILLIANT MOVE
    Queen black takes queen: excellent
    Rook check white: BRILLIANT
    King take rook: forced
    Rook white: great move
    Black rook: forced

    The person who played this is such a master

    black just need to move the pawn under his king

    White rook should move to f8, taking the white rook and having a checkmate because the white bishop will protect the white rook.

    Porque simplesmente o pião não come a rainha??

    Chưa thua còn nha chạy hậu chéo e7 là còn cơ hội nha

    BRO tested this in game review and theres 5 brilliant moves and 1 great move

    If you also wonder why he didn't capture the queen with pawn it was because the rook would check

    Weiß hat einfach nur sehr schlecht gespielt.

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