#chess #brilliantmove #checkmate


%1$ Comments211

    Bro, when queen was on d6, the pawn could have been used to eliminate the queen

    Bro, black could take the d6 Queen with the c7 pawn, why didn't he?

    The pawn can Just have water the Queen Easy and stupid at the same time

    the continuation I see but they blunder mate in one instead 😢

    How is that a brilliant move if all it takes is one simple move to stop the plan? I mean, if that dumshit is called "plan"

    There was a whole course of chess tactics in this puzzle

    "As long as I win in the end, that is all that matters"

    u ould of just traded queens and backrank

    I sacrificed my queen in a chess game I swear

    hwy didnt black take white queen with pawn or rook, and instead moved his queen?

    And then he sacrifices THE QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And then he sacrifices THE ROOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And then he sacrifices THE KNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Black could have taken rook where bishop is protecting.
    The whole brilliant move would have changed the game.

    Bro y the pawn didn't take the black queen can someone explain

    Why didn't he kill white Queen by pawn!! Explanation please… m new in this game

    Can you explain why black are not taking a queen?

    May i know the name of the game in android or PC

    why didn't he eat the white queen with the pawn?

    The first brilliant, Qxd6!! lowkey took me a bit to find. If cxd6?? or Rxd6??, Re8+, Rf8>, Rxg7+, Kh8>, Rxf8#. Qxd6!! also threatens another checkmate if black plays, say, b6. Re8+, Rf8>, Qxf8#. One more thing this move does is simply win back a Knight. The rest, I simply don't feel like calculating.

    First not good played but end wow.. Opposition are wrong play under this vdo

    That was really nice exposing his weakness like that

    youtube shorts mfs trying to not make the most cringeworthy edits on a chess game challenge(impossible)

    Quá đẹp cho 1 ván cờ được sắp đặt trước

    Is this what goes on in Stockfish's mind?

    que tu lo edites para que parezca brillante y le pongas el signo no la convierte en brillante

    I played my 3rd brilliant move yesterday!!

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