4 MOVE CHECKMATE: Best Chess Trap for Beginners (Wayward Queen)

Make sure you know this so you don’t get checkmated in 4 moves.
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%1$ Comments388

    How did you moved if black pawn moved to 7.g?

    the friend did this to me and i move queen f6 and completely destroys his plan lol

    It’s an intermediate move but if your playing a more advanced player then they can be not so good book moves.

    Opponent: tried scholars check mate against me
    Me who knows all the strategies to now trap his queen: 🤤

    My dad tell me how to do fore moves like move your pon 1 move your bishop2 move your queenand move your queen again and check mateq

    If they block the check with the queen you can take the pond next to the castle

    pawn b3 to kick na queen what to do?

    I have never lost to a person who uses this method

    And if they don't see the hanging pawn

    best checkmate moves. I always win in chess club

    I ever fall for this trap and I lost a rook and knight and somehow still able to checkmate my opponent

    What after qh5 if he puts his knight at f6

    What if they dont play the knight and play pawn to g6?

    I think my classmates call this scholars mate

    I did this and it worked first try😂😂😂😂 couldnt beleive it. Didn't get the check mate on him but did take his rook

    what if they block with pawn G6 after setting their knight?

    Ok, but what if they do queen E7 or rook F6 for their second move instead of the ones you just listed?

    I doubt they would use they’re queen when they have a open bishop to sacrafice

    POV u play this 3 times in a row win all then watch this short

    after black night c6 and white bishop c4 if they play pawn g6 then…..?

    Sorry but no one would defend with a queen if that was me in that situation i would defend with the bishop

    when i saw this, i will play Nf6, so i dont lose the rook after the capture

    Bro it's still doesn't work because he moves the horse and then the next thing is move the pawn forward

    Wayward Queen doesn't work past 200 elo. Anyone with ANY chess knowledge can stop it and win a bishop

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