4 MOVE CHECKMATE: Best Chess Trap for Beginners (Wayward Queen)

Make sure you know this so you don’t get checkmated in 4 moves.
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%1$ Comments388

    What if your opponent plays knight H6? Then you can’t mate

    How to avoid if you accidentally place your knight to c6

    He will play bishop to c4

    Then play your other knight to h6

    martin when i check with the queen on wayward: go horsey

    After you move bishop most people actually move the pawn to b6 and I do not know what to do there

    I used this against a 900 elo and he fell for it 😂

    hmm, also lets say you are black, you can counter it by
    1. e4 e5
    2. Qh5 Qf6<- this makes it impossible to scholar now
    after that lets say they are still dumb or had setup a premove and the do Bc4, you do the following
    3. Bc4 g6<- attacking the queen

    So what if they move the black queen on the top of the king?

    What do you do if they play knight f6 instead of the pawn

    What if my enemy blocks me with knight and not queen?

    Whst if in the last move of black pieces the player decides to play pawn instead of horse to take the queen?

    What if your opponent plays d5 instead of e5

    you can't take their queen because they would sacrifice the bishop to save the king

    I tried this and everyone attacks my queen first with their knight and they don't defend their pawn

    My classmate calls himself a “Grandmaster” and occasionally says he’s Magnus. Imma use this on him

    I tried it online right away, he surrendered after taking the rook😂😂

    Heres the moves this starts with they dont know they just see slide the queen and bait it they're gonna take it RESIGN NOW

    Me, a 600 Elo who countered the attack fully

    Also, If you let the pond capture it and move the bishop to the pond that captured it, its a checkmate

    after 1. e4 e5 2. qh5 black can just play nf6, 3.qxe5 be7 and now white has to retreat with their exposed queen while black can castle

    But what if they forget about protecting the pawn and go for the queen

    When they do g6 after the bc4:
    Wait.. that's not how you're supposed to play

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