400 Elo Chess Is Painful…
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10:32 PP on the PP…👀
I am the one with the F as my picture
Lets talk about 3:49 for a moment
The mental image of the rook hitting the queen in a car got a good laugh out of me.
The fact that black found that Bb4 tactic is astounding…I'm 1800, and I don't think I would've seen it without the eval bar.
Levy, if you see this, you’re the GOAT of YouTube and you’re doing God’s work. Deadass. I have been in a really bad period of depression following a super stressful divorce I didn’t want. I found your channel shortly after this happened and after working all day I found myself watching your videos and for a brief moment, I was super entertained and happy, laughing and forgetting about how shitty life was. You renewed my interest in chess and I met someone who also loves chess and now we laugh together and watch all your videos when they drop. You literally changed my life. Like I said, God’s work my dude. Love you bro, hope to shake your hand one day!
400elo gms
3:50 Bro why did I laugh so hard
You literally described Dada 5000 vs Kimbo Slice. Congrats.
Ironically these guys are greatly good at tactics if they wouldn't blunder
Aww, you met Anna's mom. A tough cookie there. She has been playing chess almost double your age.
Hi from twitch
Man this was wild
As 400 elo i can confirm that everyone i go inside blunders 4000 times
You open up this video about watching a fight, I watched a fight today at school. This was also posted right after the fight happened lol.
How to send a game to Levy?
My video buffered to start the video so I had a solid 20 seconds of Levy staring into my soul… and I couldn’t look away no matter how hard I tried.
Gotham “I’m done for today”
Also Gotham – “thank you for watching guess the elo, here is my how to win at chess series where I climb the rating ladder”
All in the same day.
6:13 biggest takeaway i got from this video
i swear to god i better not get the pin of shame.
🤦♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣boy I'm laughing so hard because that used to be me🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this game was epic 😂😂😂😂😂😂
The first 4 minutes.. he's being very reasonable I can see a 600 or maybe a 700 playing the same thing..
Idk if it’s just me that’s surprised with how always correctly guesses the length of his videos… 💀
I feel seen
yea!im gonns be sooooooo sneaky:] -levy 2023
11:04 clearly missed win
I am writing this just to increase his engagment
Good quick stare 8/10
The absolute shock when it didn’t end in stalemate 😳😳
Love how 400 elos are gms 😂
13:03 😂😂 such an underrated line!!
Waw best engine move for white . Lol
Great advice about doing calculations ending with opponent move ( 6:02 m)
Pov you watch this at a 400 Elo 🤓
God bless him because I haven’t got my games on gte, or should them end up in how to not win?
Meanwhile in 400 bullet – pushes 8 pawns, resigns, refuses to elaborate
Bet this guy gives himself an honorary GM title when playing cause he can't get one himself. What a joke.
I was so waiting for a stalemate at the end because as levy says 400s somehow find a way to make the game equal 😂
I love your videos
bro no way it didn't end in a STALEMATE
We choosed this title on twitch 😀
"this was sent to my by Jamal Jamal. This is gonna be one heck of a game brother" 💀💀💀
Holy shit that stare at the beginning went straight into my soul, like he sees the darkness lurking in the shadowy corners of my very being!
Of course his name is jamaal👴🏻
Me who just reached 500 elo wondering if I really played like that too
3:49 dude I laughed for like 5 minutes