5 Chess Games YOU MUST KNOW!

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5 Chess Games You Must Know

0:00 Intro
0:34 Game 1 – Morphy
7:28 Game 2 – Immortal
15:30 Game 3 – Evergreen
21:50 Game 4 – La Bourdonnais
28:32 Game 5 – Kasparov

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%1$ Comments332

    The Three pawn game is an insane game it's the best

    I think this list is brilliant, but it's missing one more. The 17 pawn moves game shows the incredible power of solid pawn structures and taking space.

    Karpov should have moved that pawn way earlier…

    I just love watching him explain ideas behind their moves, Such enthusiasm and personal like he is playing himself

    great video but I think you should have included also Magnus vs Giri game where Magnus sacrificed the queen for 3 pieces, probably the best game I've seen

    Absolutely entertaining! Great games, and the one by Kasparov is incredible

    people in the past seem to play like computers, just willing to sacrifice for the greater good

    I play hippo 🦛 and it’s way the best one if you know how 😛 90% of gain

    I hesitate to post this because you are so f-ing smart you probably were joking. But if you did happen to brainfreeze on this expression…."evergreen" just means the game that never gets old…."forever green" like spring grass. If I just stated the overly-obvious please don't hate ….big fan! My game has gone from horrendous to fair. So thanks (700 to 950 in 5 weeks…in my 50s).


    That opera game was mad. Sacrifices everything for a win

    On game 4 could white not move pawn to H4 then king to H2 after black promoted? I'm guessing it would still end in mate somehow but how?

    Bro, it takes me like 8 hours to watch through your video and I DID NOT FORGET the audacity of b4. How would anyone forget that?

    at 27:39 there is no mate if white plays queen to d2, he resigned but had a chance to survive or even win

    Anderssen was a true gigachad back then

    Watched this whole video even replayed it …last game was just TNT I have to share this video

    Funny how I remembered the key word before you mentioned it

    The Morphy game and the last 2 by black are the best even though I love Evans Gambit games

    "Adolf Anderson was a fan of flashy stuff"

    Well. Its Adolf. What do you expect. We all knew Adolf H-

    I've seriously never watched a whole game off chess let alone 5 that was awesome 👍😎

    Excellent video – shame you don’t make videos like this anymore 😞

    Brilliant games.
    The wild older games are Fire

    Adolf is the master of making his opponent move his pieces for him, and making his opponent move his pieces for him.

    One of my favorite videos. So well done. THANK YOU!

    My favorite game is kasparov topalov 1999

    This video is incredible!!! Third game is just crazy!

    In 28 minute
    White can move qd2 and removing all threat

    I don't understand… maybe old Karpov deliberately lost to young, handsome Kasparov here. Because playing the knight to a far on the edge square is an obvious inaccuracy, and then not exchanging his light-square bishop for the octopus knight, because he was feeling greedy about the pawn, which hung loose the whole game? Then he deserved to lose.

    What if white Queen takes f2 after rook g8 by McDonnel? Looks solid to me.

    27:24 is White Queen to F2 a better move than Rook to d1? r am I missing something?

    How far back did Morphy plan the mate.?

    Does alphazero offer some insight or games that stockfish doesn't?

    "you were paying attention but you 4got becuz chess is hard"
    yes Gotham 😔 😔

    But in game 4, why couldn't you take on b2 after the knight went to d2?

    For anyone that started scrolling comments at start of video, watch the whole video. OCTOPUS. If you know, you know.

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