5 Chess Games YOU MUST KNOW!

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5 Chess Games You Must Know

0:00 Intro
0:34 Game 1 – Morphy
7:28 Game 2 – Immortal
15:30 Game 3 – Evergreen
21:50 Game 4 – La Bourdonnais
28:32 Game 5 – Kasparov

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%1$ Comments332

    This video help to improve my chess tactics

    Did Adolf got rejected from art school?

    My dumbass thought the thumbnail was Mr beast 💀

    In game 4 why can't queen take d2 pawn it will stop the mate i guess

    I dont HAVE to know anything and im sticking with it..remember,you know enough

    just unbelievable that black retained all its pieces in game 2 and still lost … WOW!!!

    After watching Levi I have gotten very good at sacrificing THE QUEEN! As well as my ROOK! Until finally all is lost.

    Last game is preety nuts. Like he coukd have just pulled out a pawn andnthe paln wouod go crap.

    Thank you levy for the videos because before I ever watched you I was playing like a noob but when I watched you I've been playing like Hikira nakamaru

    The Adolf Anderssen shit was nonsense xddd

    These game are Ultra Instinct Level. I can't even see the moves they're making

    34:43 why did Karpov not move his king to g1 instead of Rxf2?

    Adolf the King of brilliant sacrifice 😎

    Why didn't Karpov play bishop e2 to push the knight away?

    fyi your mic almost never picks up obnoxious background noise.

    Stunning video! Not only does this thing have amazing games but the blow-by-blow descriptions help modest chess players appreciate the battle of titans. Very well done. I have goosebumps.

    Broooo Anderson was a Savage!!!!!!😮😮😮😮😮

    Adolf Anderson is savage af. I'm not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me

    These games were insane. Thanks for opening my eyes to the world of chess. There's so much potential in this game and so many stories to tell. You really created a niché for yourself being a great chess player and a great storyteller. Hats off to you

    There is a solution in game 4 and can’t be mate

    These games r the most bizarre games ive ever seen

    The immortal game looks like an invented chess puzzle lol

    Anyone else love playing the computer with a real board? I need more AI levels but my XBox died, Chessmaster with it.

    20:10 Rd1 is the key attacking move, sacrificing the knight. This is the hard move to find! To set up a complete checkmate. Chef's kiss

    yoo anderson needs to chill i am amazed how his opponent did'nt cry

    @GothamChess who was next when the 3 pawns where aligned??? Because from what i could see, it was Whites turn and if they just took a pawn with queen on d2….it stops everything…

    I;m noob in chess but, why Jean didn't take pawn on with bishop C3 on 16:43?

    only watched 3 so far a . anderrson my mind is blown , amazing swashbucking chess (i do play a little ) right off we go for the rest

    I totally didn't mind hanging the patience to hang out with you Levy.
    I'm used to hanging stuff.

    5 chess games you must know: chess, chess, chess, chess and chess.

    We missed the most beautiful era in chess where the players were basically trying to teabag each other and end each other's careers.

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