5 Chess Games YOU MUST KNOW!

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5 Chess Games You Must Know

0:00 Intro
0:34 Game 1 – Morphy
7:28 Game 2 – Immortal
15:30 Game 3 – Evergreen
21:50 Game 4 – La Bourdonnais
28:32 Game 5 – Kasparov

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%1$ Comments332

    i love this video because im shit at chess and i cant comprehend the greatness of modern players like magnus. games from the 1800s are a lot more straightforward, and allow me to appreciate genius moves like 14:08

    the second one is absolutely crazy, thanks for sharing!…also the next one 🙂

    Those 3 pawns in Alexander McDonnell's game . Are the proof that every piece in chess is strong .

    That Adolf Anderson dude would've lose to Magnus and hikaru .

    With the immortal game, another Adolf tried to do the same thing in Stalingrad in the 1940s, didn't work out so well for him.

    I did the Octopus Knight move today and won my game – before watching this video!

    Honestly. these videos are so entertaining. From the incredible storytelling to the fact that anyone of any skill level can watch this and still follow along. I have never played a single game of chess in my life and don't know any of the theory, but I still feel the excitement and suspense from start to finish. Thank you for making chess so accessible and fun to everyone!


    That's really all I have to say.

    Just watched this for the first time…this is the best chess related video I've ever seen

    WOW, This was mindblowing and very inspiring. Thank you

    Why did white not take the knight with the queen in the fifth game?

    If I ever got an octopus knight like that I have full confidence I could find a way to lose that game. The vision these guys had is just crazy

    Heya, sorry for the really late comment but I have just a quick question about this Anderson game at @14:40 where black unknowingly blunders by moving their knight to A6 for like… No reason at all, aside from just not anticipating what white was planning , since they were quite complex moves. What about if first black moved their C8 bishop to B7 to attack the knight and then pretty much regardless of what white would do next, should be able to bring their G1 bishop up to C6 to attack white's bishop that is on D6? Would that have been enough to prevent that checkmate?

    The Evergreen Game is still my favorite. Thanks for the great video.

    chess in 19 century was like now dota 2 or lol now for us

    Why didn’t Karpov reroute his knight to f4 after Rd1 intending to move it to d3 later? And also move the e pawn up to e6 after Ne3?

    I love chess and all but I have never been entertained in a chees game before till i saw this vid and the last game was fascinating. Beautiful game by Kasparov

    Why don't you just pronounce people's names in American English rather than fancy accents you don't need to show off bro

    Is there a sequel to this marvelous video?! Please if not make part 2 next TOP5 plays you must know! 🤌🏻♥️

    16:32 You got me.
    I do similar things to my crypto price noobs during vids.
    You served me my own medicine. Nice.

    Great chess content! You are an incredible teacher. Thanks!

    Magnus Carlsen knows 10,000 games of chess my memory. You should know ALL of the moves of 5.

    I always say to my friends "I never blunder, it's just a gambit that didn't work."

    The waffle hose has found Its new host and its ultra instinct shaggy.

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