5,000 Elo Chess Trick

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%1$ Comments900

    That last game was simply epic. Checkmate with King and Pawn.

    That second game… I saw it coming but I didn’t want to believe

    Today has to be a good day while I was watching this video an ad popped up and it was about Aimchess instead of skipping the ad I watched it and now I signed up for Aimchess!

    To the average 250 ELO eye the stare was boring, unattractive, and quite simple lacking. But the eye of an international master staring you down provides with truly exhilarating ideas that inspire the mind to create and explore. A truly intuitive stare 10/10.

    Broke 1500 for the first time today – did it in a game I blundered my queen and was just like f*ck it everything towards their king. Can confirm it works, eventually they'll win or they'll blunder mate in one

    Gotham is tripping, you can win by stopping the avalanche with a horse

    Watching games like these only reinforce to me that clearly everyone cheats to get their ratings. If my opponents at the 400-500 level played as silly as these games i would never lose…

    was down 3 kings but got a backrank checmate liek this cuz it was mate in one but got greedy and took my pawn big mistake my only piece left the rook came i8n and backranked him

    brooo chill giving away the secrets like this for noobs

    "Sometimes you are forced to run, sometimes you just go for a run"
    – Levy, 2023

    17:01 True words of wisdom. "Sometimes you are forced to run. Sometimes you just… you just go for a run." ‒ Levy Rozman

    jajajaja this has got to be my favorite!!!!! Thanks for sharing Levy!!!! You're the best!!

    Had one of these at the 1300 level with a rook waiting for a bank rank mate, just kept losing everything mindlessly and then the guy just forgot about mate trying to bring more material for his own checkmate LOL low elo chess is art

    Thanks levy, I have already lost 300 elo in one day! 10/10 would recommend.

    I'm so consistent at Chess that I've lost about 10 games exactly like this.

    i heard young boy is 1 million elo cuz young boy dose everything better

    Make a new account, use engine gain elo, get banned repeat

    "A secret trick to win more chess games"?
    The old "checkmate him before he checkmates you" didn´t work anymore?

    "Why you get bad positions, is because your a human"
    Me: excuse me? you are too

    I already know he has several vids involving Andrea Botez coming out in the next few days. Bro just admit she has a fat ass and u wanna smash

    How do you draw arrows with different colors

    the first ever how to win and how to lose at chess in the same title

    Theres also a YouTube success hack you've shared…put up an idol that represents the same things as the one behind Levy's right shoulder and POOF!…Success!

    Me playing 500 elo and my opponent would still play the pawn block at 15:00
    How these 1500-1700s are not is anyone's guess. 😛

    Very clear accent (I'm English student)

    Day 3 of asking to bring back guess the elo

    When he was saying "Maaate! Maaaate!" I imagined him leaning over a paddock fence yelling at some animals he's trying to breed.

    6:30 Black probably thought taking a pawn and then guaranteed rook was better deal than just taking a rook

    When I was a kid in the early 70s, I was playing in my 1st and only local tournament. My 1st round opponent was a friend of mine who had beaten me every single time we had ever played. We were playing with these weird looking pieces, and somewhere in the middle of the game I lost my queen by confusing the pieces. I was distraught, but I kept playing. After another 15 moves or so, I was still getting killed, but my opponent had left his king castled behind his 3 pawns. I somehow cleared a file and got a rook down to checkmate him on the back rank. I couldn't believe it. And I went on to win every game I played in the tournament. I beat my dad's law partner in 8 moves. I had no idea about openings or tactics or anything, but I kept playing in that game and somehow lucked out.

    Gotham, I was playing this game with white against bot Antonio, and I lost, I started with the vienna game, max lange defense and played it the way you advise. I also had a completely winning position for almost the entire game, but blew it at some point. I was thinking this could go in your how to lose at chess playlist, even though I'm playing a bot. Here are the moves
    -Gotham Sub

    1. e4 2.Nc3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. Qg4 g6 5. Qf3 Nf6 6. Nge2 O-O 7. d3 Nb4 8. O-O Nxc2 9. Rb1 d6 10. Bg5 Kg7 11. Nd5 Nxd5 12. Bxd8 Rxd8 13. Bxd5 Rf8 14. Rbc1 Nb4 15. a3 Nxd5 16. exd5Bf5 17. b4 Bb6 18. Ng3 Bd7 19. Rfe1 f5 20. d4 e4 21. Qf4 a5 22. bxa5 Rxa5 23.
    Qg5 Kg8 24. Qe7 Bb5 25. Nxe4 fxe4 26. Rxe4 Rf7 27. Qd8+ Kg7 28. Re7 Rxa3 29. Rxf7+ Kxf7 30. Re1 Kg7 31. Qe7+ Kg8 32.Qd8+ Kg7 33. Re7+ Kh6 34. Qf8+ Kg5
    35. h4+ Kg4 36. f3+ Kg3 37. Re1 Bxd4+ 38. Kh1 Be5 39. f4
    Bxf4 40. h5 Be5 41. hxg6 hxg6 42. Qg8 Bc4 43. Qxg6+ Kf2 44. Qe4 b5 45. g4 Rh3# 0-1

    There are so many pins of shame on Gotham’s videos recently.

    I think I deserve a pin of shame for noticing that..

    I tried this and right away I started not winning per say (I did win a few though) but lasting a lot longer in losing games

    In League terminology, there is a play called "running it down" which is also quite the viable winning strat.

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