6 Straight Tournament Victories!

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Rapport, Richard (2708) – Carlsen, Magnus (2823)
GRENKE Chess Classic and Open 2024 (Chess.com) [01-02] 2024.04.01
C50 Giuoco Pianissimo, Italian four knights variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Nc3 h6 6.O-O d6 7.Na4 Bb6 8.a3 Bg4 9.c3 Qc8 10.Nxb6 axb6 11.Bb3 Ne7 12.h3 Be6 13.Ba4+ Bd7 14.Bc2 Ng6 15.Nh2 O-O 16.f4 exf4 17.Bxf4 Nxf4 18.Rxf4 Qd8 19.d4 Ra5 20.Qd3 d5 21.exd5 g6 22.c4 b5 23.Raf1 Ra6 24.Qf3 Kg7 25.d6 Rxd6 26.c5 Bc6 27.Qf2 Re6 28.Bb3 g5 29.Rf5 Be4 30.Bxe6 fxe6 31.Re5 Bd3 32.Rd1 Ng4 33.Nxg4 Rxf2 34.Nxf2 Bc4 35.Ng4 Bb3 36.Rd2 h5 37.Nf2 Bd5 38.Ne4 Bxe4 39.Rxe4 g4 40.hxg4 Qg5 41.Rde2 hxg4 42.g3 Qf5 43.Rf4 Qd3 44.Kf2 Qb3 45.Rxg4+ Kf7 46.Rf4+ Kg7 47.Rfe4 Qd3 48.Kg2 c6 49.Rg4+ Kf7 50.Rf2+ Ke7 51.Rg7+ Ke8 52.Rgf7 e5 53.dxe5 Qd5+ 54.Kh2 Qxc5 55.R7f5 Qe3 56.Kh3 Ke7 57.Rf7+ Ke8 58.Rf8+ Ke7 59.R2f7+ Ke6 60.Rf6+ Kd5 61.Rd8+ Kc4 62.e6 Qe5 63.Rf4+ Kb3 64.Rd3+ Kc2 65.Rdf3 Qxe6+ 66.g4 Kxb2 67.Kg2 c5 68.Rg3 Qd5+ 69.Kh2 Qe5 70.Rf2+ Kb1 71.Rf1+ Kc2 72.Rf2+ Kd1 73.Kh3 Ke1 74.Rf5 Qe4 75.Rg1+ Ke2 76.Rg2+ Ke1 77.Rg1+ Ke2 78.Rg2+ Ke1 79.Rg1+


0:00 Hello Everyone
02:00 CNG!
14:00 Pause the Video!
14:25 Fixing the Interface!
17:10 World Top 20!
19:45 Contributions

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%1$ Comments135

    He continues to prove himself when he doesn’t need to really, even if he retired right now, he is considered the best ever or at worst 2nd best ever . But he just carries on dominating in an era when there are so many chess super grandmasters. Chess is at its highest right now , more skilful players in the world than ever before

    Good tournament from Rapport he kind of choked in this game even Anish spotted a mating net for Rapport he just couldn’t find Magnus stated himself Richard should’ve pushed the g pawn Thanks for the Game Enjoy your day

    Anand being nearly top 10 at his age is insane.

    A game riddled with suboptimal moves that ultimately ends in a draw does not earn a thumbs up. Just a ho-hum.

    Terrible production quality again. Tired of ur BS agad. Fix ur video BEFORE you start recording

    I can’t believe Rapport didn’t find that rook move, which would’ve won the game. i find out quickly

    Rapport should’ve won a couple of games against Magnus here. He’s an excellent player. Just hard to shine brightly in the Magnus era. Richard is one of my favorite players. He just plays exciting chess. I like Shak too, but haven’t seen him lately?

    I'm curious if online games between average players are included when Agamator says "we have a totally new position." Or if only top level tournament games are included. I've wondered this for some time. He does address this but it isn't clear when or how often the larger data base of online games is included. That's a lot of games, and there may be some hidden gems in there.

    do we know about all the players second?

    Magnus a few years ago: plays at 2800+ hardly gets into a losing position, plays consistently.
    Magnus in recent times : plays at 2700 makes mistakes , often gets into losing positions and then conveniently plays at stockfish strength when money is on the line

    The constant miraculous comeback victories are way beyond suspicious. Yes Magnus is one of the best of all time but he used to show that strength all the time, nowadays it looks more and more like he is playing lazy and using good vibrations to make some fake miracles happen that nobody questions because of his reputation. But its frankly quite obvious what he is doing.

    Stockfish would also make these miracle comebacks in exactly the same fashion, isnt it a coincidence…

    Magnus games in the past never reflected these kind of patterns, and now they do to the extent where its predictable… when miraculous highly improbable comebacks are so common that they become predictable…. think about it.

    He is addicted to winning and when he realizes he might not win with normal play he uses help. Magnus is the Lance Armstrong of Chess

    Honestly this "magnus effect" bullshit is so annoying to watch, I was definitely frustrated with all the possible winning chances Richard had, I hate this :///

    Magnus plot armor is properly in place.

    So both Rameshbabu siblings have q chance at the candidates’

    great video and great comments 16:04
    "the magnus effect" 👍😂
    thank you agad!

    Since Chess 24 has died, where can I easily find major tournament games to review and play through? I find this situation very irritating.

    This guy is a phenomenon. Greatest all time chess player ever. In every goddamn format. Not to take anything away from the greats of chess, but this guy is ridiculously consistent above all and is good at every time format.
    It's a shame that the rest of the field can’t match upto him. Kind of wrecks the excitement factor because we know whos gonna win anyway.
    Meanwhile hikaru raking up online elo points. Congrats hikaru fans. 😅

    Yeah, Magnus didn’t so win this tournament as have Rapport gift it to him 😂

    Where can we watch the livestream of the candidates?

    I had an accident and won't be able to walk for another 2 weeks so I'm even more excited for the candidates, at least it gives me something to do or rather watch. I'm rooting for Hikaru (and Praggo). If Hikaru wins and goes on to win the world championship I could see Magnus play in the next candidates just so these two end up playing for the world championship.

    I am completely baffled by this thumbnail. I will probably be baffled after it's explained too.

    Hello Agad! I could not find any article on the set of anti-cheating measures at Toronto; not sure if there is a 15-minute broadcast delay either. Any information on that?

    Yeah by blacklisting Wesley & Nepo. Magnus also accused a JEW Alisher in QATAR a few days after Hamas attacked Israel. Unpopular view: Israel 🇮🇱 is a hero and is freeing Palestine 🇵🇸 from Hamas by doing the exact opposite of the g word everyone accused Israel of – Israel is actually the saviour of the Palestinians. Matthew 5:11


    I don't really care if you agree or disagree. Where else can I find someone else who's actually said this view before?

    – Many pro-Israel extremely agree with me, but they haven't seen anyone before me. I've never seen any pro-Israel argue that Israel is doing the exact OPPOSITE of genocide. So, well, I could be wrong, even in their POV.
    – Many pro-Palestine find such ridiculous, which I guess is really just a polar opposite position of essentially the same answer as the pro-Israel side which is 'I haven't seen any.'

    So I'm either extremely insightful or articulate (pro-Israel) or I'm extremely ridiculous (pro-Palestine). Again either way extreme which in this case means NEW. Unbelievable.



    Israel won the 3rd arab war in 6 days, yet Hamas hasn't been beaten after months. I read if Israel didn't care about civilian casualties, even if they didn't nuke, then this war would've been over in weeks with hundreds of thousands in casualties.


    In the 1st Arab war, the Arabs were supposed to be the saviour of the (Arab) Palestinians from the evil UN partition plan. Now Israel is saving the Palestinians from the evil UN that votes for a ceasefire. Looks like Israel has done a better job of saving Palestinians in the last few months than the Arabs did in the last 75 years.

    Israel saves the Palestinians
    – politically from a dictatorial regime that steals from them and
    – morally by dropping leaflets & providing aid & corridors which the ww2 allies never did in Dresden.


    Despite all the baseless accusations, the deaths incurred that they see on a daily basis and the ceasefire calls, Israel still perseveres in the prosecution of this war to defend not just Jews but Arabs and still provides aid instead of being spiteful like 'Oh you think we're evil after all the aid we've provided? Ok let's see how you like it when we turn off the aid.'

    – Israel is condemned despite giving aid to the FOREIGN Palestinians.
    – No one cares when Hamas steals aid from its OWN people!

    I wonder if this magnanimity goes beyond Judaism. I don't recall anything as explicit as this in the old testament. Like Jesus takes a step further to say 'love your enemies.' Israel has no obligation to save the Palestinians who voted Hamas into power. Yet Israel does!


    I think this view might be unpopular because unfortunately Israel doesn't have that many vocal defenders who are non-Israeli & gentile, so Israel is just humbly saying as a matter of fact that they're not committing war crimes. They can't say further because if an Israeli or a Jew says so then it sounds arrogant (maybe like Numbers 12:3 if Numbers was written by Moses) – Israel is actually a SAVIOUR/HERO of the Palestinians – the exact OPPOSITE of a war criminal.


    Israel saves despite being reviled. This is exactly what Jesus did! Jews are more Christian than Christians! I mean look what Pope Francis has said and even HASN'T said about this situation. Disappointing. Tsk tsk.

    You'd think Pope Francis, who's read the Brit Had Asha aka New Testament a million times while the Jews haven't, would bring this up but nada.


    Again, if anyone's already seen a view like this then please tell me where I can read about it.

    Happy Easter, Ramadan and Passover!

    When it comes to big centers, like Rapport has after 19.d4, for a positional overview I like to look at how many minor pieces are left. With half of them gone, I don't consider it a big factor: with three or more minor pieces per side, it's a cramp for the player with the smaller center, but Magnus has plenty of space for his two minor pieces.

    The major pieces aren't really dependent on space the same way.

    Great hindsight. Great video Agadmator, thanks for making these videos, they've gotten me through some dark times. Also sorry …

    10:20 instead of doubling on the f file why not double the rooks on the 7th rank?

    Ladies and gentlemen we just witnessed the Magnus effect

    Winning more tournaments than Ding winning games.

    #suggestions Do release an informative video on Candidates Tournament covering total rounds , format, favourites, past records, new things this year, changes, etc . Must include the womens section information too.


    It makes me smile to see Agad bring up comments to previous video that I read too😊

    Is there a reputable site you can place bets on the tournament??

    Watched so many of your videos, but this one is one of your best, really enjoyed it

    How does the candidates progresses

    Please analyze each each game of the 2024 candidates.

    This game shows very well the so called „Magnus“-effect: players do not play the moves they against any other player would have played, luckily for Magnus. This game was 10 times clearly dominated by Richárd. It’s kind of frustrating always to see Magnus win at the very end. So i‘m glad he‘s not in the candidates.

    Not that I could do better but Richard kinda sold this one. He’s probably kicking himself

    Time works against Magnus as well😂👏

    If Magnus was white in same position, he would have won easily ..he is too good in endgame

    Rapport so often comes achingly close to beating Magnus but always falls at the final hurdle.

    Ding, the "world champion," is 70 points behind Magnus. Ding is losing basically all of his tournaments while Magnus is winning all of them. The fault here lies with Magnus. If he's going to continue competing in high-level tournaments, he should defend his world title (or enter the candidates' tournament and vie for the crown). If he isn't willing to do this, he should walk away. As it stands, Ding is a paper champion.

    do they have a decreasing rating point system for non activ player ? or can you just hold ranking by not playing ?

    Magnus is great at swindling Rapport, he swindled him in the world blitz when Rapport was up a rook

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