6900 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments772

    3/1 stare today caused an earthquake in a nearby town

    im 12, i have played prob more than 200 games of chess, and i never got a single brilliant move

    How dare you assume I watch Minecraft levy lol

    The record is 38 brilliant moves probably with cheats though

    Bro how did you know I was watching GeorgeNotFound

    “I don’t know I’ll talk about it with my therapist” Levy

    this reminds me of the time my opponent played 2 brilliancies in one game and lost when i was 600 rated

    Dang I paused but I still got spoiled.. 😢😢😢

    Disgusting. I mean it's against Wesley So. Lord Almighty have mercy.

    good on you for being in therapy! hell yeah

    You’ve built up an immunity to coffee, maybe try stopping or slowing down for a few weeks to reset it.

    This was an insane video holy crap. Keep videos like this coming boss man!!

    It was because of this game that Wesley makes quick draws with Hikaru. That way he can’t get posterized again

    1:10 Thankfully, they're not as popular anymore. The world still isn't healing though.

    I will be 80 years old in a number of months!

    By this point it's pretty much basic knowledge that in chess, every piece aside from the king is a girl. Basically pawns can turn into a queen which is a girl, at least in ancient times, so all pawns are girl. But pawns can turn into other pieces except the king, so those pieces are female as well, you get the idea.

    The goal of chess is to "capture" the opponent's king with a girl piece and there is a reason it's called checkmating. And mating is a euphemism for having sex. So you win when you get your women to fuck the opponent's king, it's basically an NTR contest to see who cucks the hardest.

    From this we got the lore, both kings have an NTR contest, they both gather girl pieces to attract the other side until the opponent can't resist. However, both are absolute cuckolds who can't be lured and it's too long so the white king decides to cheat. White orders his women to advance and try to fuck the opponent and Black follows soon, the game of chess starts here.

    This is why chess is so hot.

    Today's stare was focused. Piercing, even. Gotham's steamy brown eyes intensely gazed into my soul so hard that I almost felt him coming inside me. 10/10

    I'm like 1000 elo and played 2 brillant moves in 1 game lmao 💀

    guys, I have a question. at 16:24 it says mate in 3, Hikaru plays Rf6 and it still says mate in 3, so what is the fastest way? I thought a lot but couldn't find mate in 3 at 16:24

    I made 6 brilliant move in my 6 year chess journeyy😅😅😅

    Me when i see 69 and/or 420 in a number: Ayo- eheheehhehhehheeee…EHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHHHHEHHEHHEEEEEEEEE 💀

    oh shit levy has the kid with the sugar high energy

    Ok after watching the video I remembered that 2 days ago I got my second ever brilliant move 1 move after hanging my Queen

    When you get a brilliant move but then don't follow through because you did it on accident.

    at 15:33 there could be a horse royal fork, but the games almost over anyway

    @GothamChess can you please review my 31 move chess game and I uploaded it on my channel I will be very happy 😆btw I subscribed and if you’re wondering what my username is it’s Iamnot_good

    "If you're 4 years old or under, and you beat a 3 year old, that's actually impressive. For legal reasons I am not condoning you to do that."

    @gothamchess how does this compare in your opinion to Hikaru's immortal game? The one against Boris Gelfand in which he left his queen hanging for something like 6 straight moves?

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