6900 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments772

    The thumbnail made me go WOAHHHH 😬🙄😑🤪🥶🥶🤪🤪🤯🤪🤠🤪🥶🤯🤪🤠🤪🤯🤪😑🤠🤪🤯🥶🥶🥶😑😑🥶🤯🥶🥶😴🤪🥶🥶🥶🥶😴🥶😴😑😴🥶🥵🥶🤯🥸🥵🥵🥵🥵🥸🥵🥶😵🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥵😵🥵😵😵🥵🥶🤪😵‍💫😵‍💫😵🤯😵😵🥵😵😵😵😑😵‍💫😵🥶🥶😵😑😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵🥶🥵😵😵😵😵😵‍💫🥸😵😵‍💫😵😑🥶🥸😵😵😵😵😑😵🤪😑🥶🥶😵🥶😵🤠🥵🥶🥶😵🥵🤪🤯🥵😵🤪🥶😵🥶🥵🥵🥵🤯🤪🥶🤯🤪🤯🤪🥶🤠🥶🤪🤯🤪🤠🤪🤯🤪🤠🥸🥸🥸

    Bouldering. I'm a boulderer. I watch bouldering. Idk why I am here. This is a demographic anomaly. This shit does go hard though

    I want a video where Levy sacrifices…….

    ngl a chael quote was the last thing i expected from this

    “this game review can shut up”
    even though the thumbnail and video are based around the game review giving brilliants

    when this mf sacs the whole board its 6 brilliants, when i do its 15 blunders. just joking, cleary

    cant wait to see the short of "so instead of H takes G3 Hikaru plays H TAKES G3"

    As soon as he said “he sacrificed, you guessed it” I KNEW IT WAS THE ROOK 100% WHO DIDNT THINK THAT

    When the King's Indian kingside attack crashes through it is truly satisfying

    Dude,stop,pls. Don't filming. Cry all day.

    actually today i got my first brilliant move! I sacrificed my bishop for mate!

    iconic for Levy to make a Harry Potter reference

    “Gramdmasters will not touch it with a 10 foot pole!” -Levy “Minus well touch it with a 1 foot pole.”-Me

    I saw some dude with a 23 brilliant moves in one game

    Ain't no way levy just negatively compared me to Wesley So and thought I'd not take it as the BIGGEST compliment

    "Right, New Jersey is a great place to live. And if it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."

    12:28 Actually, Gotham smacks lips I have seen people play 41 brilliant moves smacks lips again so the jokes on you

    Love your content I am glad i watched teh full video i use to not be able to beat 1300 elo but after watching your vids i can beat 2000s

    Hey gotham I got banned from the server idk why can u unban me

    I know I might not be the best chess player with 1200 elo but I know that hans is a cheater motherfoker cuz if he wasn't he would show us some stream live games vs some Gms
    But he can't cuz he's probably around my elo

    Me: levy and chess I'm excited

    Levy: listen here bozo… you are a pile of crap and you suck at chess

    Me: can't wait for tomorrow's video

    How many times has Gotham mentioned beating up a child at a park lol.

    From a 700 elo players perspective, their calculated plays feel like hacks XD, i can't fathom thinking these strategies up

    5:27 Litterally my entire school when someone says that Magnus is better

    5:566:16 But why can't white play Na7 in the first case?
    11:3111:40 Levy also reacts like this when the GTE/How to Lose at Chess crowd does it (of course when they do it, it's almost never a brilliancy).

    I drink 3 coffees before I go to work and a v8 energy drink and still get to work tired so I feel you!!

    Bro what’s with levy and beating up 3 year olds

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