7 MOST COMMON Chess Mistakes

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You are making these 7 mistakes if you are a beginner or intermediate player. Fix it now!
0:00 Intro
0:42 Mistake 1: Trading
6:42 Mistake 2: Fake Training
10:21 Mistake 3: One-Movers
17:41 Mistake 4: Same Errors
22:19 Mistake 5: Time Management
29:27 Mistake 6: Selfish Brain

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%1$ Comments192

    once I hanged 2 queens in a game and made third one and won

    The fake training things – yes, I would agree, but also that's what keeps it fun for me. Every now and again I look at a video and I try to apply it in 20 different ways and usually lose. But then I know what not to do. And then I learn.

    Realization that I was making literally every single one of these mistakes is straight up painful

    Why would you be playing 3-minute games as a 1000-rated player?

    Quick tilt story. I've not had the best relationship with tilt. In college I used to play Hearthstone competitively. When just practicing and grinding rank on ladder, I had a hard limit that after 2 losses I would take a 5-15m break. That maybe taking a quick walk to loading up my losses and figuring out why I lost & what I could do better. Anything that wasn't pairing me with a new opponent. It helped me keep a healthy mindset when I came back

    After subbing to Gothabm, I beat stockfish

    to be honest, the biggest mistake I make is just well… not seeing bishops.
    I’ll just forget they exist and then get sniped from across the board.

    This might be the best relateable video for us😊

    One of my favourite Videos of this channel. Thanks Levy when I started watching this channel, I was about 400 now in 3 months I am 1300

    No, number 1 rule is to have fun, if you don’t like it take a break. Still don’t like it stop playing it, don’t want to quit? Calm down and realize that chess isn’t life, if you lose a lot so what? It’s not the end of the world, ain’t gonna hurt you, unless you think that chess is life. It’s a lot better to have fun but be terrible than be fantastic but not have fun or happiness from it.

    ngl the mistake #4 for hanging queen is relatable to me and once i did it i lost the game later but after i stopped hanging it these mfs HANG THEIR QUEEN free queen taken with bishop

    Awesome video! I definitely needed this! Will be replaying it as well for myself.

    I am better than you i hanged the queen to save op knight but my opponent didnt took it 🎉

    It's 2 yrs old, u got so many ppl, I'm just coming in. I expect no reply. Thank you for your 7th reason here. I went from a run up to almost 900, then back down to 600ish. I rematched and lost every one. That hurt me bad there vi really don't care about elo, I just love the game. But, lol, I don't want to lose.

    I watched this for the first time today. I wanted you to know, I also watched your walk around Toronto on the ChessIndia Podcast (probably not the accurate name, sorry) – really respect how much you are trying to help people get better, how much you care about chess, and love the comment 20 odd minutes in thanking those of us who stayed the long haul. I don't know if I'm going to get better, but with videos like this I'm in with a heck of a chance. Thanks L.

    I subscribed just for that "mistake 3" lecture.. 😂 I needed that..

    You trade queen to get an advantage I trade queen to make the game spicier we are not the same

    I felt so identified with each of those mistakes. It is difficult to fight against our nature 😅

    Cool bro, I'm very bad lol, I got taught in Germany in the 1980's by my mum's bf, then I didn't play for over 20 years, then my friend here in NZ would beat me most of the time on Sunday morning's with no sleep, we called it "church, then I didn't play for another 20 years lol, now I'm trying to at least get ok, great advice bro.

    How many pages is an average book of yours?

    As a beginner, I know maybe the first four or five moves of a couple lines in allot of openings. The only opening I know, more or less the whole thing is, what everyone else already knows, which of course is the Italian Giuoco piano opening. Everyone knows that though. Outside of that, I do know the Rousseau gambit really thoroughly and is my free elo game. Of course I have to hope to be black and hope they start out with the Italian game so I can even play the Rousseau gambit. I win allot of games doing that gambit, because as a beginner I have no business knowing that opening, so other beginners don't know how to respond, and fall for all the traps. I guess the other opening I know the next most is the Vienna gambit line, and the Vienna max lange defense lines, though not as good as I know the Rousseau gambit which I've studied allot.

    So yeah, as a beginner, I mostly playing Vienna as white and hoping my opponent plays the Italian as black so I can do the Rousseau gambit. Otherwise I'm on my own. I really need to study other openings.

    Thanks for the psychological boost. I hadn't played a game in 35 years and had been watching your videos and others for months, but still I hadn't played. Then I did– went from zero to 800 in about ten games, But it shook my head watching the rating bounce around at about 50 points a game and I stopped playing. I'm going to start up again– thanks for the pep talk.

    Final one: So I should not fashion my reaction to making a big mistake on Alexandra Botez'?!

    he is the best coach when it comes to chess i dont get why he gets hate
    and the last mistake really motivate me <3

    17:05 that happened to me recently and i got checkmate immediately 😢

    I laughed through the entire video!! thanks Gotham…

    I don't want to watch a 30min vid💀💀

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